Your Daily DogScope for September 29, 2021
Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.
It's your last day to be independent. Just knowing what's ahead is all you need to loosen up and enjoy life. Do a little exploring around the doghouse while you're feeling confident.
Your owners just can't cash in on their charm. Their financial worries are getting the better of them, day by day. Turn their focus to something more valuable than money.
Good time extremes are right around the corner. Just knowing that has you twitching in your basket. Make sure there's no doubt about your excitement and anticipation the moment your owner walks in the door.
Your social life is problematic, so you have quite a bit of catching up to do by now. Don't worry, you'll get it all taken care of in the next two days. For now, be content to spend the evening with your owners.
Your passion for travel almost has you beyond the point of no return. If you have any hope of cooling your jets, do it early in the day. Otherwise, consider yourself sprung the moment your owner opens the door.
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You want nothing more than to rush out for a walk, but you just can't. Again. Don't throw yourself a pity party, though. Your owner will make up missed opportunities tomorrow.
Today gives balance to the rest of your dreary past week. You and your human have that in common. So it only makes sense you should share the next two days, too. Put out some feelers.
Who needs a calendar? When your owners let themselves get caught up in the moment, it can only mean one thing: time to chill. The day might be dull but the evening definitely is not. Enjoy.
The good feelings start creeping in early. By evening, you'll be well rested and ready for some friendship and fun. If your owner shares your jovial mood, that's even better.
It hardly seems possible when you wake up this morning that you'll make it to this evening, but you will, and all you have to do is breathe. Tomorrow will arrive with or without your perseverance.
If your owner has plans with their friends, then hey, so do you. Get yourself to the dog park by hook or by crook, even if you're a day early. It sure beats being a dollar short.
You think the party starts this evening, but your human has other opinions. Sure, you could wait another day, but you won't have to. Luck will be on your side, in the form of an open gate or a door left ajar.
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