Your Daily FoodScope for August 15, 2021
Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!
Cool your jets today. Rushing into things will have adverse, perhaps painful, consequences. So let that piping hot slice of pizza or bowl of creamy tomato soup cool a bit before diving in, or face second degree burns on the roof of your mouth.
Remember today that beauty is only skin deep. So don't fret if the mashed potato topping of your homemade Shepherd's pie came out a bit burnt and slightly crunchy. It's what's underneath that counts, and baby, that's beautiful!
Think of creative ways of communicating with your family today that don't involve words. Miming is an idea, but they'll just laugh at you. Sign language will have similar results. But make them a big stack of chocolate almond brownies and you can speak loud and clear without uttering a syllable.
You love cooking a big dinner for yourself; it's the cleaning up afterward that you could do without. And making something like chicken and cheese casserole can leave quite a mess. So invite friends to join you. They may feel obliged to do the dishes since you did all of the cooking.
For reasons unknown you'll actually put a check on your impulses today. You'll turn your nose at chocolate cakes, cheesy nachos and all manner of pastries. This sudden behavior will be a worry to you, since you're not sure if it's good or bad. Don't worry; if you begin to like self-denial you can always stop.
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Those low- to no-carb diets leave you feeling lethargic and dizzy. But do your research and things may begin to make sense to you. Your body needs carbs to burn for energy and aid with brain functions. So dive into that big bowl of wheat pasta with marinara sauce tonight and see how peppy you feel tomorrow.
Sometimes the best thing you can do for a friend is just listen. But the best way to be a sounding board is to not interject while the other person is prattling on. That may be hard for you, so munch on a thick peanut butter and jelly sandwich sans milk. That should keep you from talking for hours.
You may owe a friend a big favor, so be creative in how you return their good turn. Put together a care package stuffed with homemade marmalades, jellies and whole-grain breads. Your friend will appreciate the personal touch of a gift that keeps on giving.
An early-morning yoga session will be an invigorating yet peaceful way to start your day. Follow that up with a few slices of mango, whole grain toast with homemade orange marmalade and scrambled egg whites and you'll soon have Zen coming out your ears.
You're always the grounded, sensible one in the group, but tonight you may feel like busting out. But no pampered celebrity or spoiled rock star behavior for you. In your case, splashing out will mean boldly ordering uni at a sushi restaurant, because nothing says rebel like eating raw sea urchin.
It'll seem like everyone will be on a different agenda than you today. You'll want beef; they'll go vegetarian. You'll crave seafood; they'll want beef. You'll desire a milkshake, but they'll want theirs made from soy milk. It may be best to do your own thing today or learn to enjoy eating like a bird.
Coworkers will be like rude, nasty strangers to you today, and you won't know if you're dealing with friends or foes. So go somewhere where people are kind and courteous. That may be your neighborhood diner, where Flo is so nice she'll cut you're an extra big slice of cherry pie and not even charge you for the vanilla ice cream topping.
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