Your Daily FoodScope for July 06, 2022
Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!
Slow moving people will really scramble your eggs today. They'll be everywhere: at the office, on the freeway, in line at the deli. Be patient and keep your temper in check if you expect to get through this frustrating day. Those eggs won't taste so good if they're burned.
Let today's positive vibes rain down on you like so many jimmies on an ice cream cone. You'll be feeling light as a souffle, happy as a clam and sexy like a jalapeno. Expect people to line up at your table today; it'll be the fun place to be.
Leaving things on a back burner will eventually have them fizzling into a big, goopy mess. You sometimes have to give things serious attention, even if it's distasteful to you. Turn the heat up and bring things to fruition. Ignoring won't make them taste any better.
Throughout history families have celebrated their intimacy over a warm hearth with plenty of great food, wine and love. Carry on that age-old tradition by hosting a family dinner in the warm bosom of your home. Be the lord of your manor and laud your guests with a decadent feast!
Your choices will come down to vanilla or chocolate today. There will be no pistachio, no matcha, no Cherry Garcia to pick from. There may not be much in the way of choices, but making the wrong one could lead you down a rocky road.
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Reach into the freezer today and pull out long-frozen items for thawing. You may be amazed at what you find, and unlocking them could lead to new taste sensations. But some of that stuff will have nasty freezer burn, and is best thrown away.
You'll take mental comfort in downing a hot fudge sundae or triple cheeseburger today, and you'll want more. Overeating could be a problem, and there could be underlying reasons for that. Do your psyche, and your waistline, a favor and figure out what's bugging you before eating with reckless abandon.
You may come across a force that is stronger than you today, but you'll be undaunted. Great intestinal fortitude will have you fearless in the face of its awesome powers and you'll take on whatever it dishes out. So go ahead and load up that spicy burrito with even more jalapenos, and may God be with you!
Too many things on your plate may have you wanting to eat everything today. That could be impossible, unless you're like Mr. Creosote from 'Monty Pythons' Meaning of Life'. And even he exploded after downing that last paper-thin mint.
The boiling pot gets the most attention, so you may have to turn the heat up to get noticed today. It doesn't have to be as histrionic as bursting out of a cake covered in whipped cream while wearing a hat made of fruit. The subtler approach always works best. Just don't wear the hat.
You've been avoiding dinner at your grandmother's, but family pressure may be getting to you. Be part of the solution and bring a few dishes along. That way you'll have something to eat while everyone else is trying to figure out what exactly is on fire in front of them.
When the heavenly goddess of beauty hooks up with the lord of the deep, expect sparks to fly. This unlikely match-up could release the creativity in both, and you'll soon be cooking sweet meals together. Granted, there will probably be a lot of seafood involved, but that's not really a problem, now is it?
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