Your Daily FoodScope for July 27, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You may need an emotional outlet today. But playing Tori Amos all day could be considered cruel and inhumane by your coworkers. So seek comfort in food today. Ask for a big slice of pizza right out of the oven. The pain you feel as the white-hot cheese sears away the skin of the roof of your mouth will be exquisite.


If you're single, you may have to put yourself out there today. But who knows? A chance encounter could lead to a dinner date. Going out with a complete stranger is tough enough, but be careful when making menu choices. If he or she orders fava beans with a nice Chianti, the date could be over before it begins.


Only the strong and the selfish will survive today. Will you be one of the few, the proud eating the last piece of chocolate chip cake while washing it down with the last of the of the Colombian coffee? Or will you be one of the weak and the hungry, begging for scraps? Only you can determine your fate today.


You'll be so crabby today that real crabs will skitter away from you, sideways, of course. So it'll probably best to stay away from people today. You'll still be in a foul mood at lunch when revenge will be yours as you settle in at the seafood restaurant for a big bucket of steamed crabs, the bastards!


You have to help negotiate peace among squabbling coworkers today. It's either that or listen to them bicker all day. Hold your meeting in a neutral location. How about a Chinese restaurant? The big round table will foster harmony. Ordering meals that everyone can sample will encourage togetherness until you refuse to share the honey-walnut prawns.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! ??


Collaborating with coworkers today will give you deep sense of personal and professional satisfaction. Some may become good friends, especially if you start hanging out after work, playing pool, sharing nachos and swapping war stories about life.


Things may slow down to the point of annoyance today. But that's a wasted emotion, so expect to do a lot of waiting today. That could give you time to brew many cups of organic lavender tea. The pleasant aroma and soothing flavor could save you from going absolutely ballistic.


You'll have an inexplicable urge to be surrounded by water today -- you'll get as far as the water cooler. But a nice hot bubble bath could be the perfect salve for a stressful day. You can enhance the rejuvenating effect by enjoying bonbons and a glass of Cabernet while you soak. Oh, hell... bring the whole bottle.


You may not match the go-go-go pace of your coworkers today. In fact, your snail-like approach to work will only hold up production. In a bizarre twist of irony, however, you may not be able to hit on all mental cylinders until you have a Red Bull first.


You'll grab your hose today and dutifully put out all project fires at work. Others will want to reward you for your levelheaded approach, but you'll just excuse yourself. With disaster narrowly averted, you'll treat yourself to a Mexican lunch where the five-alarm chili will start another fire, this one in your mouth.


A recent breakup may still be getting you down. It's okay to feel blue, but don't let it ruin your day. You'll get over this recent bout of melancholy -- giving up sugar will be good for your health. Don't worry; pour a lot of half and half in your coffee and you may not even miss the four tablespoons of sugar.


People appreciate the small gestures of friendliness you bring to their world. Whether it's your cheery smile, bubbly personality, or willingness to be the butt of the joke, people like you. But they especially like it when you make homemade chocolate chip cookies.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!