Your Daily FoodScope for October 08, 2023
Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!
It'll pay to be disagreeable today. Skepticism will also be a good trait to embrace. Let your instincts guide your hand, and not knee-jerk reactions. Bow out should your friends flock to a trendy new bistro. You'll be happy with a New York Reuben and coleslaw at the local deli. At least you'll know what you're paying for.
Friends look to you as a beacon of light, but the truth is sometimes you have no idea what you're doing. So maybe they have their hopes too high when they wrangle you for a dinner invite. You better get it together quickly. A crab casserole is easy to throw together, if you don't mind canned crabmeat. They better not. Beggars, after all, can't be choosers.
Your friends may be feeling forlorn and blue, so throw a cheery dinner party tonight. The severity of their drama calls for comfort food, and lots of it. If the double whammy of meatloaf and mac and cheese doesn't raise their spirits, than the wine in a box will.
Work will be the last thing on your mind. So don't be surprised if your mind wanders to strange and wondrous places. You'll see yourself high above it all, gently flying through the fluffiest of souffles and billowing clouds of pink cotton candy. Don't be surprised if your teeth hurt after you come to.
Today won't be a good one for snap decisions or shoot-from-the-hip impulses. Carefully weighing your actions before committing to them could save you in the long run. So that hot fudge sundae may chase away the blues now, but you'll feel doubly worse in about four hours when the sugar buzz wears off.
Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!
Thank your lucky stars you weren't assigned any new projects today; it'll be smooth sailing into the weekend. So expect today to be a no-brainer as you count out the hours. A long lunch will be okay, although flying to Chicago for the perfect barbecued beef ribs may be taking things too far.
Your ankle pedometer will crack under the pressure as you spend the day on the run. But don't forget to slow down long enough to eat; you'll need all the energy you can get. Go for meals you can eat on the run, like grilled chicken pita wraps or Vietnamese spring rolls. Throw in some fruit, and you'll be good to go.
In your dreams you see a massive sea creature roaming the inky depths; funny how dreams are. But you may get an eerie feeling at a seafood dinner later today when a grilled teriyaki ahi steak will be so thick you'll wonder if you're dreaming.
You may have trouble getting your feet off the ground today, and no amount of caffeine will help. You may need a different kind of pick-me-up that comes from energy foods. Mango slices, whole grain toast, a cup of yogurt and, of course, a cuppa Joe will have you doing the Can-Can all the way to work.
You've wooed that certain someone with cards, roses and stuffed animals. Now it may be time to pull out the big guns: a romantic home-cooked dinner. You hope a heartfelt stuffed pork chop and couscous dinner seals the deal. You've just about run out of tricks.
Today is all about you, and you'll have no desire to share or to do unto others. Don't worry if people think that smacks of arrogance. They may get angry if you snag the last pizza slices or refuse to share your giant feedbag of chocolate kisses, but you have the feeling they'll get over it.
An old friend may be amazed at how you've transformed yourself through exercise and a healthy diet. But they may see why firsthand at a lunch date when they order a cheeseburger and soda, and you get a salad and water. Don't be surprised if this person suddenly seems interested in becoming more than friends.
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