Your Daily FoodScope for October 09, 2023
Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!
You'll want to share your enthusiasm and joyous energy with your family today. So buy an array of pastries, jams and schmears and arrange them in neat pyramid stacks on the kitchen table. Some will find your presentation highly anal -- actually, everyone will -- but that won't keep them from digging in.
You'll want to tell your problems to your friends, but they won't be interested in hearing them. Don't get upset; your relentless drama can be hard to take. So go home, heat up leftover lasagna and marinara sauce, sit your kitty right next to you and let loose. Kitty doesn't mind; she's heard it all before.
Well-meaning thoughts of changing yourself are useless unless you take steps to enact it. Which brings us to the harsh reality part. If losing weight is your goal then your first act should be to throw away the bags of cookies, chocolate bars and pizza delivery numbers. See why it's harsh?
Avoid anything complicated or laden with details today and focus on the nuts and bolts. Fill your day with things you don't have to think about, like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, microwave popcorn, pretzel sticks and 'Two And A Half Men' reruns.
Don't fly off the handle if things don't go right today. Handle adversity with maturity and wisdom and things should be okay. Get yourself a big porterhouse steak for dinner tonight. A monstrous slab of beef and a sharp knife may help you release aggression in a healthy, positive way.
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Details will frustrate and confuse you today, but observing them will be of utmost importance. Don't grab the first items you see as you race through the supermarket. Take time to read the labels; low-fat salad dressing is loaded with sodium and there's not much difference between frozen yogurt and ice cream.
Staying on an even keel will be hard today as external forces push and pull you in every direction. But keep your unerring gaze on the horizon; it's the ultimate straight line. A bowl of seasonal cherries or blueberries topped with a dainty puff of whipped cream could set you -- ahem? -- straight.
Romance is in the air. You singles might find a cool cat or kitten by hanging out at a trendy cafe or bistro. Dress to the nines, order a cappuccino and a slice of mushroom quiche and wait for the action to start. But take your shades off first. That just makes you look pretentious.
Like an arrow shot into the abyss, you won't be able to control your rate of travel or velocity, and the inevitable crash will be a fitting end to a frustrating day. You can take steps to keep the day from being a total loss -- comforting crab casserole could really soften the blow.
Art and music will hold special appeal for you today. Find an art gallery opening that has a string quartet playing and you can kill two birds with one stone. You can also scarf on plenty of free appetizers and crab puffs, bacon wraps and Swedish meatballs.
Shopping sprees are not suggested today. In fact, spending money on anything is not suggested, as the coffers aren't as full as you think. Looks like another weekend lived on the cheap and hopefully you'll have enough dough to stock up on Top Ramen noodles.
Treat yourself to a day of fun in the sun. An afternoon at the beach will be revitalizing and rejuvenating, as will a bowl of Manhattan clam chowder and a pile of chilled Littleneck clams at the local dockside diner.
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