Your Daily FoodScope for September 08, 2023
Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!
Formulate a game plan before starting what promises to be a busy day. Part of that should include packing a lunch and healthy snacks. Think of foods you can eat on the run, like tuna pitas, bananas, hard-boiled eggs or nuts. Keeping yourself fueled will guarantee that your day goes as planned.
People will rub you the wrong way today if you let them. But chanting your mantra in an attempt to ignore them may not do the trick. Ashwagandha tea has been proven to relieve nervous exhaustion and anxiety, so brew up a cup. Better make it a double.
Coming up with creative solutions to today's many problems may require deep thought. So pound down the brain food. Omega-3 fatty acids found in cold-water fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna are a good source. But have it as part of a meal and don't take the day off so you can catch your own.
You can bet things will go wrong today. But you can ward off stress by being flexible. Car won't start? Take the bus. Didn't get that raise? There's always next time. Mayo instead of mustard on your deli roast beef sub? Letting that one go will be taking the whole flexibility thing a little too far.
Let go of some of your outdated beliefs about the incredible edible egg. High in protein and low in calories, they provide 13 essential nutrients. And research has shown that they don't pose a heart disease risk for healthy adults. So fried, scrambled or hard-boiled, eggs can be an eggcellent start to your day.
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Changes at work may throw you off balance today. But letting that bother you could also affect your work performance. So embrace old faves that make you feel comfortable. Have lunch at your favorite diner and get the BLT like you always do. It'll be like putting on a comfy pair of old slippers.
You're always down with the latest trends. But you find that many of the hip new eateries in town are all flash and no substance. Visit some of your favorite haunts if you're looking for more bang for your buck. The fried chicken and biscuit Blue Plate special at your local diner never goes out of style.
You're only one person, and you often feel alone in your fight against hunger. So get others involved. Start a canned food drive at work, or have friends help you hand out bagels and coffee to the local homeless. But remember that you're never alone, and that thousands of others share your passion.
Too many cooks ruin the pot, and you'll have exactly that to deal with today. Conflicting ideas will prevent anything from getting done, so you may have to simplify. Get out that cleaver and start chopping. But hang on to trusted chefs who know their way around a kitchen.
Your well laid plans at work may not go as you hope today. But don't let that discourage you from attempting other things. Dinner plans will go off without a hitch, and your homemade sweet and sour soup and honey walnut prawns will be so good your family will think it came from a restaurant.
You have a certain flair and people are often inspired by your innovative ways. Even your salads have an inventive panache. Who knew garden weeds like dandelion, Japanese knotweed and purslane could be so delicious? You did, of course.
Your day will be a mishmash of the good and the bad. You'll buy an awesome roast beef sub, but it'll be swimming in mayo. Then you'll discover that your favorite yogurt is loaded with sugar. But the worst part will come when you find out that Colonel Sanders wasn't really a colonel.
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