Your Daily HomeScope for August 30, 2021
If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!
Today, solve the case of the unwanted pests and let your investigative spirit take the lead. It may seem daunting now, but whether it's cutworms or moles in the garden or fingerprints and dust bunnies in the hall, your keen eye and sharp wit will help clear it all up quick! Hand pick and toss slugs and snails from your food garden.
You're feeling passionate and deeply emotional -- put this to good use around your home. Get those garden mums planted, so that come fall, your personality and style will be seen in living color right there in the yard. Or cook up a new personal best to enjoy with adoring fans.
Spend time today considering the many and the one. Got irises? Divide and replant them, fat end down, tip up, so they will grow and thrive. Got kitchen clutter? Take stock of those items and pare down as needed. The process and the simplicity that remain will be so pleasing.
Play water shaman and get to it early today. Give your houseplants, lawn, trees, flower bed and garden a generous soaking. If plants aren't your thing, wash the car or go out and buy a fountain or water feature for your home. Have fun with this -- splash and squeal like a child!
You're the one who shines the light in dark places. All your endeavors take courage and heart today. Look into the leaky pipes under your sink, the funny smell in your refrigerator or the banging sound in your basement. It may not be obvious, but you'll get there! Check contractor references before you decide on whom to hire.
What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! ??
Restlessness is the word for today. Be careful when planning for today's to-dos. Don't set unrealistic goals for yourself. You'll find as the day goes on that this restless feeling is of an underlying emotional nature and you should tread lightly. Skip cleaning the glass today; instead concentrate on erasing those nasty carpet stains.
Cast off some of material possessions today. Work it out from a place of generosity versus stinginess. If you can get your head and heart into this game, you'll come out smelling like a rose and feeling invigorated from head to toe. Just open up and let it go! Sell it at an online auction and donate the proceeds to your favorite charity.
Your energy is high and you are simply radiant with power this day. Pull the weeds, power wash the concrete, clean out and refill the bird feeders and rearrange the living room, then look around for more. With all the stamina you've got going, you can't help but score! Use quick squeegee strokes for sparkling windows.
Create the bedroom of your dreams today! Go get plush pillows, some airy window dressings, luxurious bedding and romantic accessories. This may seem somewhat hokey or silly to you now, but when you're done you'll love the unbelievable results!
It's a good day for making decisions. If you've been struggling with any choices, spend time today looking into all the details before you come to a final determination. Sundown will reveal the verdict if you have double checked your measurements and read the reviews.
Have you ever seen a stand-up comedian who got people to relax and laugh about themselves? Operate from that place today. Things may not go your way or turn out how you planned, but when your child spills the milk, call in the cat before tearing off the paper towels. None of you are the worse for the wear, and c'mon -- it is pretty funny.
Get an early start and water your lawn, flowerbeds and plants. Be sure to avoid wishy-washy under watering and don't over soak, or you're sure to find yourself swimming with the sharks before you know it! Plus, if you water under the heat of midday, you'll only waste water. For the best absorption, the earlier the better.
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