Your Daily HomeScope for December 18, 2022
If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!
While others are wheeling about the yard (the sounds of children screaming), it might be up to you to be the one to stay grounded. Who else will remember to shut the door, or to holler when the soccer game gets too close to your hollyhocks? Serve sweet lemonade to the thirsty kids in paper cups and show them where the trash is.
Today is all about you. Call in sick and send others out on errands to ensure that they won't be home. Think long and hard about how you would like to spend your time -- times like this don't happen often, so make every moment of peaceful solitude count! Float gardenias in your bath water. Light candles and treat yourself romantically.
It's difficult to read the map and execute the directions at the same time. Having a navigator in the seat next to you can prevent accidents. Recruit a helper so one of you can drive while the other explains which way to go to find the out-of-the-way curio shop. Check carefully beneath the dust to verify the quality of items.
When you asked your housemate to pick you up a pair of knitting needles, he may come back instead with two crochet hooks. Today will be a day for classic miscommunications. Instead of rolling your eyes, try to have a sense of humor about the ridiculousness of each scenario. If you have not tried to crochet, now is the time. Start with granny squares.
Never have you seen your housemate express such enthusiasm for cleaning the kitchen. It seems that this is the result of spending a chunk of change on remodeling the kitchen! Upkeep will seem much easier when you're taking care of shiny new things. Use a fast evaporating window cleaner so you don't leave a dull film behind.
Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.
It may be ambitious, but you can obtain your goal. Whether you hope to finish up a slew of knitted mittens, or finish a picnic quilt in time to use it at an actual picnic, your goal is well within your means. Consider tying the quilt with yarn or embroidery thread to finish the quilt in a speedy manner.
Prepare to step on a shovel you didn't see lying down on the lawn -- it's just going to be that kind of day. The extra cup of coffee you had this morning will keep your eyes peeled so that you can watch out for real danger like making certain your coffee additives are not out-of-date.
While your most difficult housemate is in a good mood, go in for a sneak attack. A day of pulling weeds has a chance of sounding like fun, and even a dreaded task like cleaning out the garage will be agreeable to this particular housemate. Reward yourselves with a smoked turkey sandwich on rye and cheesecake for dessert.
Everything that you dream of doing to the house comes down to one ugly symbol -- a dollar sign. Allow yourself a day of dreaming without practicalities. Start big and then pull back. More than likely, you can actually afford part of, if not all, of your vision.
Your favorite cheese shop had the wasabi pickles you've been craving, and the bread is fresh from the bakery -- you're off to have the most perfect lunch you could ever imagine. No ants could possibly ruin this day, and no rain can wash away your good spirit.
You've scrubbed and you've scrubbed every single way, but somehow you can't get that dingy film off of the bathtub. What to do? If the tub is valuable but old, consider resurfacing it. You can't possibly be the first to have had this problem -- turn to your community for tips, answers, and ancient words of hard-water stain wisdom.
You may not have considered a baker or a butcher to be a valuable person to know, but the first time you get a treat for free, or are let in on the special cut of a very special meat, you'll reconsider who the VIPs are in your life. Many butchers sell bulk, variety cut packages of meat at a discount. Make your appreciation known with a small gift in return -- word of mouth advertising.
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