Your Daily HomeScope for July 22, 2022
If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!
You may lose track of time today -- your intuition won't give you many clues about when the food is done or when the laundry needs to be put in the dryer. Don't get too down on yourself if you burn the rice or scorch a shirt while ironing. Be extra aware of the passage of time and you should fare just fine.
Form an alliance with a housemate tonight -- insist that certain things do or do not happen in your house. Together you can stop the tyranny of ground turkey that has been substituted for ground beef, or sabotage the atrocity of the plan to paint the kitchen orange.
Whatever tension has been plaguing your house will surely melt into fun debating today. Icy cold stares will morph into gentle ribbing as your housemates stand side-by-side in the kitchen cooking together, or sitting down to work at the same desk. Celebrate the reunion in a subtle yet charming way.
Friends and neighbors may giggle, and your housemates may think you've gone off your rocker, but an outrageous purchase will give you giddy satisfaction. Be the first on your block to have a life-size plastic horse on your lawn. Wear your eccentricities with pride and nonchalance.
What in the world did you put in the soil? Could it be the coffee-ground mulch you have been perfecting for months? You may become a local celebrity this week with the largest gourds in town. You won't believe what your green thumb is capable of producing.
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You may be uncharacteristically relaxed today, waving off news of a broken dish, or giggling as you realize you added salt instead of sugar to the cake. Take a 'today or tomorrow' attitude toward plans, and feel yourself relax with your own flexibility.
A dish full of extra buttons will be your inspiration today. What can you make with all of these delightful little things? Consider everything from a mosaic-style planter to a jungle of sock monkeys with mismatched eyes. Let your imagination go wild.
Sometimes you don't know how you'll make it through another day at your job. And other times you may wonder how you could change your life to follow your passion. It's never too late to become a baker, a landscape designer, or a carpenter. Seek out inspirational stories, and evoke hope and excitement within yourself.
With the high demand on your special oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, you may need to start making triple batches. Beef up your assembly line and buy your ingredients wholesale -- just double check your quantities and make sure your math is right before you dump in the pile of flour.
You knew your day was off to a bad start when you flipped the first pancake onto the floor, but things really turned ugly when your watch fell in the toilet. Get out all of the sighing you can in 15 minutes, but after that shake off the defeat and go about your day as though nothing happened.
An impulsive tremor will run just beneath your surface today. You'll wonder what's underneath the carpet, and several minutes later, you'll tear it up. Don't be surprised to find hardwood, or even marble, lying just beneath the surface.
As easy as it is to join in on the gossip, try to avoid drama as much as possible today. PTA meetings, book club events, or social gatherings are all such important parts of your life, but the busybody conversations can make these events a bit ugly.
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