Your Daily HomeScope for November 05, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


After an altercation with a neighbor, you're back to being friends. Though you have a sneaking suspicion you've been misunderstood. To make yourself perfectly clear, restate your point in a letter, but soften it with a vow of friendship and a cutting from your garden. Don't forge a friendship on false pretenses.


While shopping for dish towels today you'll spy a juicer on sale for less than $30. Though it's not at all what you were looking for -- in fact, have you ever wanted a juicer? You may find yourself buying it just for fun. Low-cost/low-risk purchases will simply find you today.


You can't help but feel a bit of anxiety, even over what others might consider the smallest little things. Do your houseplants have aphids? Will you have time before the party to frost the cake? Remind yourself that these are merely trifles. Don't dwell on bigger problems, but be aware these types of nuisances are small potatoes.


With houseguests coming, you're cleaning on a deadline. It's time to prioritize the list -- every item isn't as crucial as you think! After all, what is more important -- having clean towels? Or making sure the kitchen drawers have new shelf liners?


While setting up for the first barbecue of the year, the only thing that will tickle you more than your friend's homemade barbecue sauce is the fact that your wooden patio still looks new. Make note of the varnish you used -- apparently, that's the good stuff!

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No matter what today serves up, try to do your best. If the day swings in a lousy direction, continue on your merry way. Make that rack of ribs for dinner anyway, spiting any rotten luck or bad news. And whip up a strawberry shortcake for good measure! If there's something you've been looking forward to, don't let anything spoil it.


A fulfilling experience is in your immediate future -- you're sure to learn something new week that will you to connect with others and balance some otherwise rocky things. A cooking class could change your life. A spontaneous knitting lesson might spawn a new addiction. Keep your mind open to opportunities as they arise.


You were running short on time before the dinner party tonight, so instead of precooking the lasagna noodles you just tossed them in dry and hoped for the best. But will your short cut work? Maybe let the casserole bake for an extra 10 minutes to be safe.


With a good night of sleep and the buzzing effects of a fresh cup of espresso coursing through your veins, you'll be alive with energy all day long. Keep your hands and your mind busy with projects, errands, and artistic endeavors. If you rest for too long, you'll feel a twinge of irritability.


If you want things done the right way, sometimes you have to do it yourself. Don't get too upset when a housemate doesn't clean the bathroom to your expectations today. After all, you're the one that is willing to scrub the grout with a toothbrush!


When you stumble upon a new fabulous business, get the buzz going around town. An all-organic restaurant or an eco-friendly dry cleaner, will garner your respect this week. Go to bat for your newfound favorite place, and make sure everyone else knows it's there.


You thought that you had a good relationship with your neighbors, but after a complaint last week that your party got a bit loud, you may feel like you're in the doghouse. Consider that the problem may not have been the noise level, but rather the fact that they weren't invited.

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