Your Daily HomeScope for October 09, 2021
If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!
Don't shy away from doing a complete overhaul if you have the time, energy, and income. If you don't like the way something looks, instigate a change that will increase livability -- take control of your home today, once and for all.
It's not all champagne and caviar, though that's why you aspire to. Instead, go for practicalities today -- you may not be living the glamorous life you crave, but you'll be a lot more comfortable. Besides, with more things come more responsibility -- do you really want it? Probably not.
The relaxed nature of your house is one of its charming aspects, but the mess is becoming a bit of a health hazard. It's time to sweep up the sand on the floor, fill the potholes in the yard and stow all the loose sandals floating around. Someone's liable to get hurt today.
When it comes down to it, nothing risked is nothing gained. So if you've had some recent failures in the garden, try something a little more your speed. Pot some foolproof plants that grow on their own and toss handfuls of mixed wildflower seeds into the ground. See what happens, and don't fret too much if the outcome is less than stellar.
Don't be such a miser. Though you may be tempted to hoard treasured edibles today, you'll enjoy them a lot more if you share them with others. Offer your housemate some berries from your garden, and he or she'll most likely use them to make strawberry waffles for you tomorrow.
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How often have you had candlelight dinners in your front yard or on the beach? It's way too nice of a night to eat at the kitchen table, and after a day of gardening you may be sick to death of the back patio. Think of an unusual place where you and a friend can eat outdoors and share a unique night together.
Art and beauty will emerge in everything you do today. The river of sun-dappled flowers in your yard will remind you of Van Gogh, while the magnets on the fridge kick up your inspiration to create a masterpiece with your hands. Treat your surroundings with care.
You can have the garden of your dreams if you want, but you have to invest the time to experience the desired results. After all, the beauty of your garden will reflect your efforts. If you don't want to spend every waking breath on upkeep, change your expectations or opt for low-maintenance species.
Try to put your finger on what's bugging you lately -- after all, something is off in your living space. It could be as simple as the way the sunlight comes through the window or it could be as major as a sinking foundation. Whatever it is, take steps to remedy the situation immediately. Your goal is maximum satisfaction and enjoyment.
A trip to the discount store will remind you of how much stuff you don't have around the house. Beware, though. The quality you're accustomed to simply is not to be found among those hallowed aisles. If you're looking for better craftsmanship, don't be afraid to hit your favorite retail stores.
The movement of objects and energy from one room to another will alter your perspective on any living space. Some changes around your house don't have to involve contractors and architects. Experiment with slipcovers that can move from chair to chair, and don't shy away from relocating pictures from one room to another. And a plant works wonders.
Find a better storage spot for those tangible memories -- under the bed is a disaster waiting to happen. A box of love letters and old photos from the 80s may whisk you away to memories you haven't thought of in a while, but the dust, unfortunately, will make you sneeze. Plus, you'll notice the vermin have crept in and nibbled at your yearbooks.
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