Your Daily HomeScope for October 09, 2023
If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!
You will lament all your working life the time you do not get to spend outside. Don't fuss. Bring the outdoors into your home. Soft, blue-grey walls will echo the sky, and you can see trees in a distance from your family-room window.
The quiet perusal of history ignites your imagination. Natural-history museums offer knowledge of the world and more specific knowledge of the area where your city grew. Museum gift stores are interesting places to find objects of primitive art.
Light likes to play and so do you, even though to an acquaintance you may at first seem reserved. Beveled glass windows add an art-deco element to your entryway. Revel in the explosion of color.
Continue to be careful dealing with customers in your home-based business. The courtesy of a phone call before a late shipment is something you require of manufacturers and you should extend the same respect to your clients.
Gaining the right to choose leads to enlightenment. Adding homegrown or organic vegetables to your daily diet is a decision that supports health. You can grow upside-down tomatoes from your apartment balcony.
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You may decide to face a problem head-on but do take appropriate safety measures. Oleanders have taken over the backyard and while you love their flowers, they do kick up your allergies. Wear long-sleeved clothing and a dust mask if you decide to trim them back -- better yet, call a landscaper to do the dirty work.
The thermometer may think it is winter, but you can invite spring home. Dress up a boring chair today by sewing a slipcover in a fabric that reminds you of the season that is surely just a few sunrises from happening... you can dream, anyway.
The wee fairies did not leave the small sprays of yellow flowers that grace your parlor palm. The mature plant is showing its appreciation for three years of your tender loving care. You did good!
Don't force you circadian rhythm to the routine of an early alarm when you feel your best in the evening. Australian wax plants have flowers that give off the best fragrance at night. That is when you are happiest, too.
You are excellent at keeping groups on task today. The end rolls of unprinted news print are available from the local newspaper for a nominal fee. Covering the picnic table and giving young party guests crayons or markers keeps them busy while the adults make the meal.
The tree house your grandchildren love to play in could use a few new boards. You shouldn't go up the ladder without someone knowing your plans. Exercise caution and get the children who kick back in the tree house to lend a hand fixing it up.
The hardware and home store might not have a doormat that fits the sense of style or humor you want to portray to the world. Check those catalogs you have not gotten around to recycling for the perfect greeting.
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