Your Daily HomeScope for October 30, 2021
If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!
You may find that waking an hour earlier would give you peace of mind and time for the little things. Houseplants do better if you water in the morning or during the day when temperatures are getting warmer. Watering during the cool temperatures of evening can lead to stem rot.
Plans for adding extra space fill your daydreams today. With a new garden shed, your yard activities will spring to life in another four to six weeks. In the meantime, check your indoor foliage. When a healthy mass of roots covers the soil you will know it is time to give a houseplant a bigger home.
Realtors bringing clients through your home means the selling potential is high. Be sure to point out to potential buyers of your condominium the popular amenities and how much fun the surrounding community is with specific examples of places and things to do.
Laptop stands can help make your desk more ergonomic and relieve at least one important stressor to your body today. Take a walk to improve your state of mind.
Your south-facing windows let in the sun's rays -- double-paned glass traps more of your heat indoors. Add a few different sized and shaped throw pillows to your reading nook to increase your comfort while delving into a novel or catching up online.
What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! ??
Striking design and blazing performance come with hefty price tags in sports cars and laptops. Know the long-term value before you make any financial decision today.
Today you will face the challenge of making things look like they are held together merely by your intent and not by practical measures. At work this may mean making the slideshow without the aid of PowerPoint when your computer has a glitch. At home, use floral wire to secure heavy decorations or novelties to the base of your wreaths.
Flowers speak subliminally. As you are redoing the guest bedroom, include forget-me-nots in the decorating scheme. Visiting with dear friends is a part of not forgetting.
Be good to your busy self. This evening, turn on your radio or phone and speakers for a fun treat during your bedtime shower. The music will liven you up and make for a good night and morning.
Call out for pizza and break out the paper plates. Give yourself a night off from cleaning the kitchen. You deserve a little fun and frolic. Call a few of your pals over for an extra-special evening and rent a few movie favorites while you're at it.
Do not wait to schedule a date to work on creative projects with a few good friends. Hang the fresh roses and flowers you received a while ago upside down to dry, and you will be able to make wreaths later. In the meantime, go supply shopping and take a walk for inspiration.
Touch it before you buy. You did the research on what you want but until you see it and feel it, do not spend money today. And if you can talk to people who own it, even better. This is a big investment -- make a wise decision.
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