Your Daily MomScope for August 13, 2023
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
Things that could go wrong most likely will today, which may cause you some angst. Fortunately, you're able to roll with the punches. And your baby has a great big hug for you when you are feeling blue.
Some days are better than others when it comes to partnerships. Today holds the greatest promise in terms of both passion and romance, which hits the right note with you and your partner. You can make beautiful music together.
Some things bear repeating again and again with your little tyke -- such as basic hygiene rules. Even though flu season is not yet upon us, frequent hand washing and sneezing into the sleeve are excellent habits to adopt now.
Be careful of becoming involved in things you're not sure of. That business opportunity you saw on the infomercial or the Internet might seem appealing. But more research is necessary before you commit any time or effort.
You will find that you have the courage today and are able to inspire the same in your little one. Urge them to try things that may seem impossible, like counting all the way up to ten or building a block tower five levels high.
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Helping your tyke with homework could trigger your own intellectual curiosity today. Go ahead and conduct your own investigations into things that interest you. You may find that you have a lot to learn -- and in a good way!
You may find that your kiddo's cavalier attitude towards their books and games and other material possessions bothers you today. Ease up and realize it may take time for them to learn that it can be easy-go but not-so-easy come.
Today you will awake with the kind of confidence and self-assurance that will allow you to accomplish just about anything. Set your goals, then go forth into the world knowing there's not much you can't do. Good for you.
Make sure that your tyke understands that it's okay to go and explore on their own -- within limits. Today, especially, you may feel they should stay tethered to you, but they need to set off on their own and see what they can see.
You now have the confidence to move forward on that big project you have planned. This would be a good day to take that all-important first step and see what happens. Attend to a few details, then let's do launch!
Not satisfied in life? It's most likely because you need to feel you are making a contribution to the community. If you look around you, you'll find there is a group or organization that could use your talents. Start today.
You should be careful dealing in business today -- even if that business is your tyke's lemonade stand or stage manager for the puppet show theater. With your soft heart, you might end up underwriting the whole venture.
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