Your Daily MomScope for August 17, 2022
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
Some good news will make this a great day for getting together with a few close friends. Although concern for one of the other moms may prompt it, ultimately there will be good news for the gang to celebrate. Your idea for a spa afternoon meets with approval.
You're ready to lead the way, but feel like you're going in circles. It's just one of those days when the big things might not get done. But enjoyable pastimes, like 'Ring Around the Rosie' with the tyke, are ultimately the most satisfying.
Get out and spend time with some like-minded moms today. Like those who have children the same age and who enjoy the same activities -- with and without the kiddo -- as you do. It's time to share good times with these kindred spirits.
As usual, the shopping bags are stuffed with new sweaters and other colorful gear your tyke can't live without. But why pay top dollar for it, while your own attire comes off the markdown rack? You deserve a splurge, too, so go for it!
This is a day to shine in whatever way you choose. You radiate the confidence of a natural leader, which scores points at work. Are you ready for a promotion? Later, you're radiant when your other half makes a romantic proposition.
Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.
A secret may come to light that you really wish you didn't know about. The easy way around it: You won't hear it in the first place if you avoid the moms who tend to gossip. Do listen up to the tyke, though, as they need to confide in you.
The other moms at playgroup may look to you for the answers today. Much as you have strong opinions, be careful how you answer. If you appear too much in the know, you might just get elected group leader. Make sure you have time to honor the commitment.
Your people skills will be tested when someone in authority goes on a colossal ego trip. But with your great insight, you see it's all due to insecurity. Subtly bolstering this person's self esteem will quickly defuse the situation.
Somehow it's the folks farthest from you who get you the most today. Get in touch with some old and dear friends, and don't forget to include lots of recent snaps of the tyke. You might get an invitation to visit in the future.
It's easy to let little things slip your mind today. So stay on your toes, and count your change carefully while you shield your personal information. The little one will remind you about the promised ice cream trip, in case you forgot.
While the tyke is off making new discoveries at day care, you may be handed a fresh challenge. Of course, you're up for the new assignment, but there may be details you overlooked. Make sure to ask the right questions of the right people.
It will be hard to keep your mind from wandering today. Especially when coworkers or other moms try to embroil you in your dramas -- you'd rather be somewhere else! Do what's necessary, and then lose yourself in a good book.
Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.
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