Your Daily MomScope for August 28, 2021
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
Today, you will find your pioneering spirit coming to the fore. You might beat your tyke out of bed in the morning, be the first up the sledding hill or to leave tracks in the fresh snow. Make sure to have a personal first today.
A request to help your little one with their homework can fire an investigative spirit in both of you. You could learn a few things about researching on the Internet or at the library. See where your curiosity leads you.
Everyone is rushing around, trying to run errands and get their children off to as many activities as possible. You and your little one might want to buck the trend today, and just take it slow and go with the flow.
Today, it's especially important to steer clear of things you are unsure of. A new business or investment opportunity may look promising, but investigate further before you put down any cash. Keep a healthy level of skepticism.
A busy day is in store, that's for sure. Early in the day, you'll likely be shopping for some second-hand treasures or other thrifty finds. Later, the romance potential increases the farther from home base you and your other half stray.
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No need to be Supermom today. The temptation is to try to take on too much all the while trying to be absolutely perfect with everything you do. Take it easy; your child adores you whether or not the kitchen is spotless.
Hello, Venus! Have you met Mars? You and your other half may have been in separate orbits for far too long. See if you can find a way to get your schedules more in synch, perhaps for a romantic afternoon together.
That sound you hear is the cheering section. Who knew you had so many fans? Today, you may find that your child is not the only one who thinks you're a champ. Expect some kudos for past hard work or favors performed.
So you awoke to the sight of your little one bringing a tray of breakfast goodies, followed by a butler with a dozen roses? Okay, you were dreaming. But if you drop enough hints you just might get some special consideration from those around you today.
If you have some important decisions to make, it's best to get an early start. Trends then favor making excellent progress towards an important goal. Later, you may get a message that you're being too idealistic, but take it with a grain of salt.
Don't be surprised if you're called upon to look after the interests or well-being of a family member. Someone has to step in and advocate for this person, and you have the strength and determination to do so today.
You ask clear questions, but get fuzzy answers from your tyke, like 'I guess so.' This is a temporary trend, so nothing you can't deal with. Your famous intuition will help you get to the core of what's really going on.
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