Your Daily MomScope for December 06, 2022
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
If you try to rush ahead, you'll only fall behind today. Paradoxically, slowing down helps you accomplish more. And the tyke will appreciate a more leisurely pace when you both go out for that stroll down the lane.
This is a fine day for you and the tyke to appreciate the beauty all around you. Get out and marvel at the patterns in the snowflakes, the trees against the sky, the store window displays -- whatever strikes your fancy.
You've got a million projects you want to get a start on today. But it might be more productive to pick one or two and finish them as well. And you'll want to leave time for the friends who likely will be dropping by.
You are an amazing cook, and today's the day to pass on some of your skill and knowledge. Let your little ones whisk an egg or roll out some dough. Those little hands will love cutting out fun cookie or biscuit shapes.
Where there's a will there's a way. You can achieve your goals, although you might have to revise your financial strategy to do so. Today you will have the insight to know just what to do. Follow your intuition.
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You're a champ at juggling. Not so much balls or blocks, but rather a great number of tasks at once. Today is a day when you may amaze even yourself how many balls you can keep in the air. And not let anyone down!
This is a good day to practice a little self-sufficiency. It's more fun to head to the mall or lunch with a friend. But today you'll find you get more done if you fly solo, which will leave more time to socialize later.
Your planning skills come to the aid of your tyke. Help your child help come up with ideas for the next birthday party. Together you can figure out what kinds of games the rest of the gang would like to play -- and when.
You need a breather -- literally. Why not sign up for a Mommy and Me yoga class? You'll get to practice breathing techniques and asanas while the tyke wows them with their great flexibility. What fun!
Watch your little one as they build that block tower, simply picking up the pieces and starting over if it doesn't work out. You can use the same combination of drive and determination to your advantage today.
You may realize that your kiddo has a different agenda today. You want them to eat a healthy and delicious lunch. They want to trade it with another kid for bolonga and Twinkies. Compromise is called for.
Hey, just do it! If there's something new you've been thinking of trying, now is the time. The very worst that can happen is that you'll get a 'no' or 'not now.' And for sure the kiddo will console you with a great big hug.
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