Your Daily MomScope for January 26, 2024
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
Your pioneering spirit is stirred, sending you on a quest for new experiences with your tyke. It might just be to the backyard, or to a new mall or park or skating rink. You'll both get a kick out of exploring new territory today.
And then the mom sayeth unto the kiddo: 'Thou shalt clean thy room.' But the child heard not. Today, your words may not be gospel to your little one, so be prepared to negotiate to get them to do what you want them to.
Why don't shrimps like to share? Because they're shellfish! Today, you will find it easy to get a laugh out of your little one and other people, too. It's a high-energy day and you're ready to spread the fun around.
What kind of driver can't drive? A screwdriver! Today, others may drive you crazy with their demands on your services. But you don't really mind and will feel much better about it all if you remember to do something nice for yourself before the day is done.
It's never too soon to cultivate a passion for travel. Make sure that your kiddo is involved in planning the next trip. Give them a map to study so they can understand how far from home you are going. Let them draw their own version.
Feeling lost with your career? Guidance is one click away!
Up and at 'em, because this is one day when you want to get out and go, go, go. Take your kiddo on an adventure, perhaps to a new nature park or zoo or museum. There's so much for you both to see and do, and you have energy to spare.
Focus on maintaining balance today when it comes to your kiddo today -- as in not tripping over all those toys that they never, ever, ever pick up! Or, more seriously, balanced meals, time to play and learn and get some rest.
Discovering magic will be key to having a good day with your baby. It could be 'got your nose' or who's behind the mirror, or a full-out show with a live magician. Whatever you decide, their wonderment will be a sight to behold.
Confidence is key today. Fresh off an impressive performance, you can inspire your little one to go out and take on the world. Or at least score a goal at hockey or soccer or sign up for a dance competition.
Did you hear that some kittens went on a class trip -- to a 'mew-seum!' Today, you and your little one will want to take in some culture, whether at an exhibition or concert or play. You'll find a way to make it happen.
Friendships will be an important part of your day today, even more than usual. There are so many things about your little tyke that you want to discuss with other moms from daycare or the playground or wherever. Make sure that you get the chance.
Luck will be on your side today -- but don't push it. Gambling that your little one will help you with the dishes is good. Trusting them to put away your mother's best bone china all by themselves is tempting fate.
What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!
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