Your Daily MomScope for January 28, 2023
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
This is a great day to get the family interested in doing some exercise. Challenge the whole gang to a speed walk (or crawl) around the block. It's more fun together, plus your competitive nature will get a workout, too.
You lead the way today. Take charge of that new work or volunteer project and show others how it's done. Just don't try to horn in on the tyke's fun with their friends. Let them do their thing, focus on your own plans.
Get out and rally the troops. Whether it's a big community center improvement or other project, there's no time like the present. Once you get going, you'll find people take you more seriously than you thought.
You're in a mood to show off your prodigy -- so go ahead! Let the tyke take center stage (or living room) today, and sing, dance or count as high as they can for all to admire. Spread their fame with snapshots.
You have creativity to spare today. Whip up a gourmet feast, curtains for the tyke's room, whatever your impulses dictate. Take time to show the little one a technique or two for their own artistic projects.
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Flexibility is called for today. You may have a long to-do list, but you really could use some time to recharge your batteries. Take it easy, and you'll have much more energy tomorrow to tackle all that needs doing.
The best activity for housebound tykes: Art. There's nothing better to chase those winter blues than painting up a storm in hot colors. Just stand back and watch the masterpieces be created before your eyes.
Ready to dress to impress? Your best outfit may be too much for the other day care moms, though. Tone it down, lest you provoke some jealousy. But feel free to show it off to your other half, who will be all smiles.
Restless? Beat the surplus or energy by packing up the kids and heading off on an impromptu mall safari. Explore new regions and have the kiddos identify the wildlife. The hunt for a bargain may prove elusive, though.
Not everyone is as they appear today. Like that nice mom who says such flattering things about you. She just might be trying to butter you up to join a committee or to babysit for her without returning the favor.
You may find that you face some extraordinary (and unnecessary) power struggles at day care or at the neighborhood watch. Someone may want to take control of the group. Speak up about anything you feel is unfair.
There's too much going on today, which might be overwhelming for the tyke. Maybe you can cut back the schedule. To deflect drop-in visitors, (figuratively) hang out a shingle that reads 'closed until further notice.'
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