Your Daily MomScope for July 05, 2022
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
You're ready to take charge today, and able to get everyone to school and work on time -- and remember to pick up the dry cleaning. Get ready to step in when a dispute arises over whose toy it really is. Set clear rules.
You're in a mood to focus on the big picture, as in what your little one will be when all grown up. Just make sure you don't inflate the importance of small incidents. Spilled milk is an accident -- not a sign that they'll never be an athlete!
It's a toss-up who's the bigger baby today -- your little one or your other half. Both just need a little extra TLC. Throw in a few words of praise and encouragement, and they'll be putty in your hands! You set the agenda come evening.
It's one of those days when you wish you could stay in and cocoon. But then you'd miss the heart-to-heart with another soccer mom. She's right -- more people are on your side than you thought. Which will help you score big with that business idea you've kept under wraps.
Hobnobbing with business types fires your creative juices. There are so many profitable directions you could go in, and plans are still milling in your mind when you take the tyke to the mall. They may sense your distraction and begin to fuss.
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You're keeping it real today. Your eagle eye makes sure ears really have been scrubbed and homework done. But your partner needs you to put on some rose-colored glasses, if just for a little while. Go ahead and dream about the future.
Let's hope baby picks today to test your limits. You're able to maintain serene self-control as you deftly parry all nap-avoidance tactics. In fact you're able to laugh about it later, just before you reward yourself with a few winks.
That side business or other project is your baby, and it needs your full attention today. If only your real baby wasn't so jealous of the time you devote to it! Compromise -- and bond -- by helping the little one with a lemonade stand or other venture.
The kiddos think it's time to load up on more new school gear. You have other ideas, however, like a lesson in thinking about things other than the material. Have them gather supplies for needy children and donate them to a local charity.
Wear that jacket with the shoulder pads today, because you'll be getting a lot of pats on the back! The one's from the boss especially give you hope for future progress. You're in such a good mood when you pick up the kiddo, you may stop off for a treat.
Discipline is not your favorite pastime -- especially when it applies to yourself. Tending to tasks at hand today will feel remarkably freeing, though. Reward yourself with a time out later, just you and the other half.
You can't seem to do anything wrong at work, and your coworkers have your back. Make sure to return the favor -- better yet, take them out to lunch. Just be sure to be at your desk when your baby calls to have a quick 'goo goo ga ga' session.
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