Your Daily MomScope for July 15, 2022
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
A good offense is not always the best defense. Remember to exercise some tact, especially if you get a call from another parent. Of course your tyke was in the right, but use charm rather than bluntness to make your point.
When it comes to feelings it's what you don't say that counts today. Your baby is more responsive to your tone of voice than words. A frowny face speaks louder than saying 'I'm sad,' and your laughter will have them squealing with glee in return.
Obstacles, such as the sudden traffic jam, appear -- then disappear just as quickly! No need to overthink it, just enjoy the clear road. Do make sure the kids are securely strapped in and conduct an extra safety check of the car seats.
Your plans to meet up with the girls for some child-free retail therapy hit a snag. You can easily free yourself by charming a close friend into babysitting. It's a great day for pampering Number One, which may include a sybaritic spa pedicure.
You and your other half seem locked in a game of 'King of the Hill.' But when push comes to shove, there's really no reason for it. Show you're willing to compromise, and soon both of you will be wondering what the fuss was about.
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The babysitter had better not back out, because if ever you needed a night out with the other half, this is it! You need grownup time away from binkies, preferably a quiet dinner for two in an out-of-the-way spot followed by a steamy make-out session.
We all know when the girls get together to dish the dirt almost anything goes. You won't hold back today, instigating such hot topics as the best buns at the gym. Put the brakes on when it turns to gossip about an absent gal pal, though.
It seems like you're doing more of your share in the carpool. Before you confront the other moms, get your facts straight. Drawing up a schedule on paper will make it crystal clear for everyone, and the tykes will benefit in the end.
You can do it: Keep your cool and get everything done today. There won't be a lot of down time, so make sure to come up with plenty of backseat games. Teach them the trick about how if you smile at someone they'll usually smile back.
You're out the door early, with shopping for school or day-care essentials on your mind. Bargains abound, though that doesn't seem to excite the kiddo. But if you get a little something special for yourself, your partner will be thrilled later.
If you've been feeling you need a better class of friends, go ahead and upgrade. Today's influences favor sudden breaks and new connections. Surrounding yourself with supportive types will prove uplifting.
Don't feel guilty about needing grownup time today. Ask Mom or Sis to take the tyke for a sleepover, and plan something sensual with your other half. Start with some gourmet treats, soft lights and music -- then improvise from there.
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