Your Daily MomScope for July 23, 2022
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
Action is where it's at, even if it's just packing up the stuff the kids have outgrown. You easily find recipients for the hand-me-downs. And the extra exercise feels so good, you just might sign up for a new class at the gym.
What should we do today? Your answer is 'art,' which has the baby beaming. Finger paints or modeling clay would be good choices. Your busy hands provide stress release, theirs create a masterpiece that's fridge-worthy.
This is a perfect day to catch up on some correspondence. Which reminds you of the pen pal across the globe you had as a child. While you're looking them up, it might inspire the kiddo to learn more about this quaint letter-writing business.
This is a great day for making your home more comfortable. Tackle the attic clutter and give the kiddo the box of the old clothes you find. They'll love playing dress up, especially if you throw in a magic wand and tiara or two.
You come to the aid of another mother. You remember what it was like to feel overwhelmed, so step in to give her a break and some good advice. Later, there's sharing of a different kind, as in a tender moment with Dad, just you two.
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The day is ideal for a favorite activity: tidying up. As usual, the kiddo balks when it comes to their private space. Try putting a favorite song on and boogie while you pick up toys together. It could become their favorite thing!
That feeling you're forgetting something is off base. You're multi-tasking like a master, and everything that needs doing is getting done. When the tyke stops to pick a flower it reminds you to stop and smell the roses.
Political events on TV spark the kiddo's interest in debates. Organize one for them around such hot topics as 'Is yogurt better than ice cream?' or 'Are braces really necessary?' Make sure to include the friends in the fun.
You need to flex those muscles and rev that metabolism. Why not bring your tyke along with you? Check out (or start) a stroller exercise class. The little ones' squeals of glee as you race along are the best music to work out to.
You're good at digging things up today. Just for fun, why not stage an archaeological dig for the little one and their pals in the backyard. They'll enjoy unearthing the flowerpot, spoon and other artifacts, and cataloging their find.
You and the other moms whip out the agendas, but to no avail. Much as you want to get the carpool and other schedules in synch, everyone's just got too much going on. Just keep rolling, and you'll end up in the right place at the right time.
With your special skills, you know just where the wheels and springs go to make the toy run again, and how to make a balloon stick to a sweater. What's more, you can make your tyke feel like they figured it out for themselves. Marvelous!
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