Your Daily MomScope for July 27, 2021
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
Someone may have been really stirring things up down at the playground, but your little one may have some difficulty communicating with you about it. Do what you can to clear the air so everything quickly can get back to normal.
Your tyke may exhibit great attention to detail today. Like when they place mud-smeared footprints over every single inch of the kitchen floor. Every single one. Isn't it amazing how consistent they are?
See if your baby wants to join you as you run errands today. When you are stuck in the car or on the subway, they're sure to find ways to keep you entertained. A knock-knock joke or funny face -- you're an easy audience.
'Gimme, gimme, gimme!' This is a wonderful day to teach your little one to communicate more effectively. And magic phrases that involve the words 'please' and 'thank you.' This is so important for them.
There's nothing like the annual deluge of bills to give one pause. Today, you'll find it's best to reassess your financial plans and strategy. This might include how much allowance your child gets -- and what they do to earn it.
What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!
Time to tidy up! Just look at all those toys and games all over the place. Get your baby to begin picking up after themselves. They may not be as fast or efficient as you, but they need to learn.
Goodness, how self-sufficient your baby is becoming! Counting, rolling over -- next thing you know they'll be borrowing your car and planning corporate takeovers. Today, though, just appreciate their little triumphs.
You can help your little tyke find a way to do a friend a big favor at the playground. A willingness to lend a helping hand or to offer a lot of support are things you excel at. Show them the way today.
You may find that it's difficult to deal with authority figures around your child today. Between teachers, babysitters, and principals, there are all kinds of people who mean well. As long as they know that you have the final word!
'You're grounded!' This is a bad thing from your little one's perspective. But for you, feeling more firmly planted in terms of your finances and outlook is a good thing. And this is a good day to work on that.
What lies beneath? You'll never know until you look. There could be things at the back of your kiddo's closet or under their bed that will soon turn into science experiments. This is a good day to go beneath the surface of things.
You don't need to know all of the facts beforehand, particularly when it comes to bringing up baby. Your kiddo is living proof of what a good job you're doing, so just keep going. But take the time to pat yourself on the back!
Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.
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