Your Daily MomScope for May 25, 2024
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
It's one of those days when everything goes right. You just have to start the ball rolling -- it will end up where you want it. Your other half needs little encouragement to steal away to make some fireworks of your own this evening!
You feel the pressure when the kiddos clamor for a trip to a pricey theme park. Before you rush out the door, though, take a few minutes to review the situation. There may be plenty of fun alternatives in your community if you look.
Up and at 'em! You'll want to be an early bird today. It could be a big family picnic or an outing just for the kiddos. There is a chance you can scatter your interests too widely, though, so choose your projects wisely.
With all the excitement of so many holiday activities, you fear your little tyke may blurt out things before they think. Today it's you who might spill the beans just when you shouldn't. Watch what you say around your relatives, especially.
Long time no sea, as the beach said when the tide came in. You can make something ordinary, like a beach or pool excursion with your tyke and their friends, a thrill ride. As well, you have plenty of backup fun ideas in case the fireworks display fizzles.
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Why can't you play basketball with pigs? Because they hog the ball! A grasping kiddo or mom with diva behavior may disturb the day's festivities. You probably won't change this person, so just say 'whatever' and you and your child will be fine.
There is the possibility that with all of today's big doings, you and your little one could come across someone with a summer cold. Do what you can today to prevent catching it, for both you and the little one.
Go out of your way to help someone today. Another mom may be floundering and really needs a hand. Most gratifying of all is when you see the tyke taking after you, selflessly helping a friend or sibling build that sandcastle.
Does your little one want to do nothing but play games today? Go ahead and join in! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by participating in the softball game or sack race or other traditional fun with your baby.
Safety and security should be the top priority today -- particularly when it comes to your little one. Of course, they know all the rules and follow them to the letter. But visiting cousins or friends may need to be filled in.
Your leadership skills are needed. It could be the kiddos need someone to organize that backyard softball or soccer game. Or maybe the junior hockey team needs a coach. You'll find some way to contribute today, large or small.
Your little one will likely share their dreams for the future today. Encourage the good ones, like becoming an astronaut or firefighter or ballet dancer. But the one about keeping a dragon in the backyard had best be nipped in the bud.
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