Your Daily MomScope for November 08, 2021
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
The best outlet for your abundant energy is around the house today. Maybe it's time for a good cleaning, bottom to top. You can try enlisting the tyke to tidy up their own mess. Yeah, right. Oh c'mon; just try.
Much as you adore your little one, some grownup talk over lunch would be refreshing. Invite some moms for a Mommy and Me repast. The tykes can chatter while you have a nice dish together -- in more ways than one.
If your little one is moody, it's likely because you won't let them have their own way all the time. Let them pout a bit, but remind them 'no' means just that! Otherwise they'll up the ante along with the decibel level.
Time to take charge! It's chaos on the playground, and you must step in to make sure the gang all play nicely together. You might have to lead the first game, but after that your tyke and their friends will be just fine.
You can be a good friend or a good leader -- today it's hard to be both. You might have to tell a coworker or committee member they're not right for a job. But since you're so resourceful, you'll find a way to sugar-coat it.
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This is a good day to get out and be with other people, and possibly make a new friend. Head for the park or playground or Mommy and Me class. While the kiddo mixes with the younger crowd, you can mingle with the other moms.
A work project may seem stalled, but don't worry; things are progressing as they should. Meanwhile, it's a great day to appreciate the smaller things in life. Like your tyke's idle chatter, which to you is a sweet song of spring.
Since the same-old just won't cut it for you today, change it up by taking your tyke out for a meal in an exotic restaurant. It will be good for them to experience something new. It just might surprise you how their tastes are changing.
There is a kid-friendly explanation for why the sky is blue, and today your tyke's endless questions may prompt you to seek it or something similar. You'll enjoy the challenge this presents for you and the chance to see how their little mind really works.
Keep your cool if heading to the mall or around town today. Others may be touchy over things like who saw the parking spot first. Rise above all pettiness, and just let it go. You and the little one have better things to do.
Today would be a good time to tackle home repairs or other necessary tasks around the house. Schedule them for when the tyke is out from under foot. And it will be much easier now than during the busy workday.
On this highly creative day, you need to find an outlet. Perhaps while your kiddo works on their art project, you can buckle down on that painting or poetry or blogging. Or, if there's really no time, send a few Tweets and call it a day!
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