Your Daily MomScope for October 02, 2023
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
This is a perfect time to initiate some new projects. You might take on that volunteer assignment or tackle the boss about improved working conditions. And get your kiddo started on that big sandcastle or backyard fort while you're at it.
Stopped caring if the itsy-bitsy spider makes it up the waterspout? All around you are unexpected ways for you and your little tyke to have fun today, including making up your own silly rhymes or goofy games. You never know what surprises lie in store.
It's very likely that you will face a busybody today who just doesn't know how to mind their own business. It will prove a great opportunity to show your little one how to deal with such people effectively without being rude. They can learn a lot from you.
This is a great day to make plans with your kiddo. Encourage them to draw pictures of the places they want to visit next in a faraway country or the mansion they're going to buy you once they graduate with honors and sign that big contract.
It's best to keep your nose to the grindstone and to tend to practical matters today. Set new strategies now. You will find that others tend to agree with you today -- even your tyke sometimes -- and it's easy to get them to follow your suggestions.
Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!
What runs but never walks -- besides your little one, that is? Water! Don't be too surprised if today you find yourself indulging in some just plain silliness with your little one. You'll both have a great ride home from daycare because of it.
You may be feeling a little overwhelmed by the current frenzy of activity. But at least you realize it's only temporary, and that things will go back to normal before you know it. It's up to you to bring home this fact to your little one.
Your kiddo will face a difficult decision -- be that about which stuffed animal to take on the trip or what kind of juice to have. Help them see how to balance the pros and cons of each choice, and if they still have doubts to just take a chance.
You may find yourself having difficulty with authority today when it comes to your baby. You may feel their babysitter, teacher or grandparent is interfering. Remember that they're looking out for their best interests and you'll both be fine.
This is a great day to connect with others far away or across a long distance. Fire off some emails with descriptions of your little tyke's exploits, complete with your famous dry humor. Words are more vivid than pictures or videos today.
Look beneath the surface today. Although everything appears calm with the tyke, there may be things going on of which you are unaware. There's nothing to be alarmed about, but it would be a good idea to be alert and make some observations.
There are times when your child feels they have a good grasp of what's going on. And other times when they just have to trust that you know what's best for them. Today is one of those days when they need to go with what you say.
What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!
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