Your Daily MomScope for October 09, 2023
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
Hey, let's roll! Whether on vacation or taking your turn in the carpool, you're eager to hit the road with your kiddo. Switch off the GPS, and go where your spirits move you. An unplanned side trip or two will have the little ones cheering.
Although your tyke knows all the rules, you might want to keep an eye on the other children around them today. Some may try to take more than their share of the toys or of sandbox time. Fair is fair, and that is true for everyone.
So then the mom said unto the tyke: 'Thou shalt clean thy room.' But the child heard not. Today, you will find preaching to your little one will get you nowhere. But positive reinforcement in the form of tangible rewards will work wonders.
Basic physics says objects in motion tend to stay in motion. You will prove this theory today as you run from daycare to work and back home. By evening, the physical matters more than physics, especially to your other half.
Pettiness? Backbiting? Jealousy? You have no time or patience for such things today. You rise above it all in your determination to not only have a good day yourself but ensure that your kiddo and all your loved ones do as well.
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When it comes to the great outdoors, it's no surprise that your little one wants to get out and go, go, go. Take them on an adventure, even if it's just a short spin around the backyard or to the park. There's so much for you both to see and do.
You will want to focus on maintaining balance today when it comes to your kiddo. That could mean making balanced meals, more even division between playtime and learning -- or it could mean not falling over all those toys that they never, ever pick up!
You can trust your instincts today, especially when it comes to making some extra cash. Someone may try to persuade you to sign up for a get-rich scheme -- as in it will make them rich! But you'll be able to see right through it and hone in on something more viable.
Friendships will be an important part of your day today, even more than usual. There are so many things about your little tyke that you want to discuss with other moms from daycare, the playground or Mommy and Me class. Make sure that you get the chance.
It's always best to put the finishing touches on old projects before starting any new ones. Today, especially, it would be the wise course to take. Keeping a low profile is the surest way to accomplish your goals, at least for now.
Your little tyke has some big questions to ask about why the world is the way it is. Much as you love to be there for them, encourage them to collect answers from as many people as possible today. It's the best way to insure that they grow up well-rounded.
You may be right today -- and most likely are -- but keep it to yourself. The boss is in one of those moods, and nothing you can say will change that. Your idea for a special treat for your kiddo will be well received, though, so go for it.
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