Your Daily MomScope for October 26, 2023
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
You may discover that a family obligation is a little like a savings bond: The longer you ignore it, the bigger it becomes. But if you get it out of the way today, you'll feel better and have more time to spend with your little one.
You have put a lot of work into making your home as comfortable as possible. This would be a good day for you and your little tyke to just hang around the house or apartment and enjoy the fruits of your labors.
You'll want to keep a tight grip on your cash today, which may be at odds with your little one's big ideas on how to spend it. With a little ingenuity and some sharp negotiating, you can get them to hold off.
This is a day for new beginnings. Since both you and your baby find the old routines just aren't cutting it anymore, why not try out some novel strategy? Small changes now and then are stimulating for your child.
You may find that you're less outgoing than usual today. Take it easy, rest and recharge your batteries. You do best in behind-the-scenes roles today, perhaps literally at your child's dance show or school play.
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You may have been so busy with your child's social calendar that you neglected to fill your own. Make an effort today to set up a lunch or other meeting with some friends. Online communications speed the process.
You will find it's best to stick to current projects today. Mind you, it's easy to get distracted by your kiddo and their big ideas for that mega puppet show or a fancy dress-up tea party. But get those old items crossed off the to-do list first.
Amazing things can happen today if you and your little one indulge in an aquatic activity. You might hit the pool together or set up a fish tank. Or maybe you'll just gaze at some beautiful photos of oceans around the world.
You and your little tyke may feel mismatched today. You want to go to the park, they want to stay in and color pictures, and so on. It's a good time to explore the virtues of being together yet apart, and each of you just doing your own thing.
Don't take it personally. Your tyke may say some unflattering things about your weight or hairstyle or another sensitive point. They're most likely just angry because you exerted some discipline, so just ignore their remarks.
There's a lot to do around the house, a fact you can no longer ignore. But if you stop contemplating the best way to approach and just get right on that to-do list, you'll find it goes more swiftly than you thought.
Long hours, low pay, little appreciation -- it's all part of the job description for a mom. But today, something your little one says or does will remind you that they really do know how much you do for them. Suddenly, it's all worthwhile.
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