Your Daily MomScope for September 23, 2022
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
You're eager to hit the road but in no mood to follow the regular route. Go ahead and take an unplanned side trip or two, as long as the kiddo makes it to day care on time. Spontaneity is the name of the game, today.
This is a day when it will be difficult to maintain your famous tortoise style, what with all those hares acting crazily. But slow and steady really will win the race, especially behind the wheel. And kids can take in more at a sedate pace.
You may think you're inspiring your kid to greater glory, but they think it's just another lecture. The first mate is a little touchy, too, so choose all words carefully. Actions speak most loudly, and kind gestures are returned.
Keeping the balance between your work-life and mom duties is tricky -- but you're up for the challenge. If you think outside the box you can improve on-the-job efficiency. And an unexpected social event at work lightens the load.
It's tempting to toss the agenda today, as the schedule seems too confining. Stay on track as much as you can and keep your cool. Look for creative outlets, such making some new throw pillows to spruce up your child's room.
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Much as you strive to stick to schedule, other people keep changing it up. If you can just accept that delays come with the territory, you'll navigate more smoothly. And the tyke doesn't mind a little improv now and then.
You just have to get the word out today, either through email, phone or meeting. But your message may not be as well received as you wish. Keep your cool and be tactful, and you'll soon bring others around to your point of view.
Your tyke really could benefit from the wisdom of the elders today. Schedule a stop at the home of an older relative or friend who's in a mood to reminisce. Before you know it the tyke will be eating up the stories of times gone by.
You yearn to get off the beaten track on this fast-paced day -- and no doubt will. It's tempting to set a pace that will have the kiddos huffing and puffing to keep up. Slow down, as they really do need to dawdle sometimes.
It will be hard to structure your day, but try anyway. Kids have plenty of big ideas -- and looks to you to make them real. Help yours decide on which are top priority. And scale back the more outlandish schemes.
You get a chance to be helpful while making a new friend as well. Another parent needs a hand, and coming to their assistance will bring you closer together. Speaking of closeness, it's all about intimacy with the other half tonight.
The boss is likely in one of those moods, and nothing you can say will change that. Tread carefully and speak softly, even when you know you're in the right. At least the kiddo hangs on your every word when you read them a story.
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