Your Daily Singles Horoscope for August 02, 2021

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Get out of work and go have fun! Today's activities might lead straight into the path of a new romantic prospect. Grab a few friends for lunch in the park or something even farther out there and smile at passersby.


Transitions are coming -- are you ready? The best way for you to prepare is by staying flexible regarding possible outcomes. The more relaxed you feel, the better off you are.


Your fiery social energy is heating up in a big way. Give in to your passions! Feel free to chat up that new hottie who needs some coaxing out of their shell. Your ready smile is just what they need!


A friend of yours could really use some TLC. Your kind, thoughtful gesture and sweet words should go a long way. Offer a shoulder to cry on, and let the love karma flow freely.


You can have a great time doing almost anything today, even chores that are usually boring. Rather than wallowing in boredom, invite a few friends to run errands with you. You never what might happen!

Looking for a better romance? Find the empowerment you need with our Karma Love Report. ??


Your deep sense of purposefulness reveals itself. Watch out for new clues and see what happens. They might seem cryptic at first, but soon everything is clear. Share your inspiration with someone new and cute.


Your most important relationships aren't all focused on romance. Friendships actually serve you better in the long run. Giving up time with friends to search for love could backfire today. Shower your posse with affection!


Creativity is the key to finding your next love. Try a still-life class or dance lessons to explore your artistic side while meeting awesome new people.


For you, romance always goes together with fun. Take that friendship to the next level by going out on a date that brings back positive childhood memories. Try the zoo, or go rollerblading in the park.


You're worrying about a problem that hasn't yet popped up. Lay off the panic button! Wasting time fretting over what may or may not happen is the worst way to live in the present. Enjoy what's right in front of you.


It's easier to make moves today with informal dates. The less pressure, the more you can just relax and have a good time getting to know this person. Let sparks fly on their own.


Is your ideal partner realistic? It's easy to dream up a perfect person from snippets of fantasy. Of course, in real life humans are full of messy contradictions. Let people make mistakes without judgment.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! ??