Your Daily Singles Horoscope for October 04, 2021

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


As your social calendar starts to fill up, don't forget to make time for your family. You can talk with your parents and siblings other times than just emergencies and holidays. Surprise them with a call!


Gather friends, co-workers and your crush together for a fun dinner party. Have everyone bring a dish and make it a potluck. Bring out the board games to keep the event festive and social.


Money doesn't stay with you long. Now would be the best time to figure out a budget that works best for your active social calendar. Having a good time shouldn't break the bank!


Letting others call the shots may be your usual relationship scenario, but today is a great time to be more assertive with what, and who, you want. Don't be surprised if you get an overwhelming positive reaction.


Wearing your heart on your sleeve makes you a prime candidate for hurt feelings that can quickly turn into longtime grudges. Don't be so sensitive to criticism and teasing. Let negative comments bounce right off.

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Get out of the house and back into the party scene. Even if you aren't interested in dancing up a storm at the coolest nightclub, make plans to see a movie with your best mate, or take a certain cutie out to dinner.


Before tackling a new project, finish what's on your growing To Do list. The sooner you complete these tasks the quicker you can get away from your desk and spend time with people other than your coworkers.


Let yourself go! Restricting your fun is pointless today. You might as well do whatever your heart tells you, because the logical side isn't paying attention. Have some fun and bring along someone special for the ride.


Follow your goofy mood instead of stifling it. Wackiness could be just what you need to spice up an otherwise dull date. Show your silly side early so you'll be more comfortable letting your hair down more often.


Try your best to remain alert and out of harm's way. If you let distractions get the best of you, accidents could be lurking around the corner. Stay focused on the matter at hand and you'll bypass any mishaps.


Stop thinking so much about asking out someone special and just do it! As scary as it sounds to put yourself out there, you'll never know happiness again unless you take a risk. You might find your crush feels as nervous as you do about starting over.


Rekindle a passion for an old interest. Perhaps the time away from the project has given you extra insight and inspiration. Have fun and ask your crush to join you in this newfound appreciation for this once-forgotten pastime.

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