Your Daily Singles Horoscope for September 27, 2023
Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.
Get to know someone's true feelings using your investigative skills. You can learn a lot about a person from their body language. Smiling and eye contact mean you should seize the day.
Being passionate doesn't always equate to hugs and kisses, from time to time you can show your emotions just with a smoldering glance. Let your body language do all the talking and suggesting.
Instead of a whirlwind romance, a slower courtship could be exactly what you need to redeem your faith in Cupid. Let love flow at its own pace instead of trying to push the fast-forward button.
A topic you feel strongly about seems to be under fire from friends who disagree with you. Instead of getting defensive, accept the fact that your friends have different opinions.
A self-centered friend could frustrate you today. Don't waste time on their problems. Take a break from your narcissistic pal and concentrate on those who'd rather not hog the spotlight.
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Feeling restless? Gather your pals for a fun group excursion. Play billiards or arcade games. Or show off your singing skills at a karaoke bar. Let loose and have the time of your life.
Your availability is important if you want to pursue someone new. Relationships take work and time. If you're too busy with work, there's no sense in adding an active dating life to the mix.
When you're passionate about a topic, you often come off as more intense than you intend. It's cool to be enthusiastic without acting like a fanatic. Give your obsession a rest when you're out..
Indulge in your good urges without hesitation. There's nothing wrong with doing random acts of kindness as long as it's without expectations of a reward. Be sincere in your actions.
That quick temper of yours isn't far below the surface, and you might even snap at someone you like. Bite your tongue and keep out of the way for now so you don't alienate anybody.
Having deep feelings for someone new can be both exciting and scary. Don't give in to insecurity. Be honest with your emotions and see where they lead. Love can set you free if you let it.
A wishy-washy friend might be barking up the wrong tree when they ask your opinion on a sensitive matter of the heart. Give them suggestions, but don't expect results anytime soon.
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