Your Daily TeenScope for August 17, 2022
Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.
You still have plenty of great energy, and you should have no problem whipping through homework or other massive projects. On the other hand, your patience is also pretty strong, so save some of that momentum for another time.
It's a good time to drop some money on something fun -- but only if you can afford it, of course! Make sure things are okay with the bank before going completely insane. Maybe a sensible friend should supervise?
That big brain of yours is popping out ideas like a PEZ dispenser, and the results are just as sweet! You may find that people stop what they're doing to listen to your grand schemes and clever plans.
Show people that you're not so predictable -- take a little walk on the wild side! You don't have to stay crazy as long as you think you've made your point. Enjoy the stares!
If you're having problems with a school project or some other important part of your life, it's a good time to try taking on a partner or some team members. The group effort should push you all to success!
Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.
Try not to make a big deal out of it, but your command of the little details of your life is awesome right now. You might be able to rearrange things so they work out just right for you and your people.
You might not always be up on the latest, but today is different. You can tell that things are moving more quickly in some area of your life, and talking about it will help you understand it better.
You might be responsible for friends' or siblings' money today -- not all of it, of course, but enough that it's worth maintaining vigilance. Things will be fine as long as you stay aware of the situation.
Don't let yourself have any downtime today -- keep it filled with activities. Even if you have to make stuff up, go for it because boredom is almost inconceivably horrific on a day like today.
You're pretty focused on helping people today, whether they're homeless folks who need a meal or your younger siblings who need help coming to terms with subtraction. You have what it takes!
You have your own way of seeing the world, and today it's more unique than ever. People might not totally get you (where's the fun in that?), but they are intrigued and want to hear more.
Try not to make a huge deal out of it, but it's one of those days when things seem to get more confusing while you watch. That's not necessarily a bad thing -- you can handle confusion just fine!
Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.
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