Your Daily TeenScope for March 26, 2022
Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.
You're starting to see the results of last year's painful work, and most likely you'll be pleased. Keep at it, but know that you can ease up on the pace if you want.
Art will be easy for you -- but so will everything else. If it feels like you're playing, you're on the right track. Try to share the spirit with your people.
You're in on something big. It might just be two of you, or a small group -- but no matter how many people are keeping a secret, make sure you keep it for the time being.
You've got a narrow window where you can really make a difference with your people. No matter how nutty your plan is, people will take it seriously.
You're seriously confused about what's best for you and your people right now. It's a good time to go looking for advice from older folks you trust.
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Get creative and figure out how you want to get your ideas across. There's someone that needs your input badly, but you're not sure how to approach them. You'll figure it out soon.
There's no call for jealousy, even if you think someone's after something of yours. Trust that she, he or it really is yours, and let the other person scheme all they want.
Odds are you're about to be singled out. If you perform well, you'll get heaped with praise; if not, it won't hurt -- much. Try to stay in good form all day long.
You've been worrying too much about next year's plans -- it might be that you're forgetting what you need to do right now to get there.
Make sure you finish up everything you have to do before you turn to the stuff you want to do. Trouble will be afoot if your important work doesn't get done.
Learning is everything right now, and you're actually due for a minor shake-up in the way you take in new information. You might not even notice it for a while.
Food is way more appealing than usual. It's not like you want to go eat as much as you can, but you're starting to see what's so great about some kind of cuisine you didn't care for previously.
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