Dakota Johnson Says She Often Sleeps 14 Hours a Night
Dakota Johnson sleeps a LOT.
The Fifty Shades of Grey actress has just spoken to the Wall Street Journal about her slumbering habits, and I'm quite shaken by what she said.
Asked what time she wakes up on a Monday and what the first thing she does is, Johnson said, "I don’t have a regular [wake-up] time. It depends on what’s happening in my life. If I’m not working, if I have a day off on a Monday, then I will sleep as long as I can. Sleep is my number one priority in life."
When asked about her ideal night's sleep, she said, "I’m not functional if I get less than 10. I can easily go 14 hours."
When The Cut published an Instagram post about Johnson's sleep habits, commenters could relate—but also not.
"me too girl but I need money," said one person, the subtext being that sleeping for 14 hours doesn't exactly leave much time for holding down a nine-to-five.
Many other people pointed out the privilege in having that much spare time to sleep, though I would like to point out that Johnson didn't exactly say she sleeps 14 hours every night, just that she's capable of it. Also, anyone in a creative industry or who is self-employed in any way (which, really, is what being an actor is) will know that the hours can be irregular—which means there's the potential for more sleep even if you're not among the richest in your industry.
As for how she gets herself going in the morning, Johnson added, "I am not really a breakfast person but I have coffee as quickly as I can. I love an oat milk flat white." The more you know!
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