Dana White Undergoes Shocking Body Transformation After Being Given 10 Years to Live

Dana White has presided over many UFC matches throughout his time as president and CEO of the UFC organization. During these fights, athletes' bodies are on full display, while others like him remain in suits to run the business behind the scenes.

Still, White has made staying in shape a priority in recent years. Last September, he revealed on the Action Junkeez podcast that he was told he had just 10 years to live if he kept up his lifestyle as it was. As a result, the 54-year-old started working hard to get his health in check, resulting in an astounding physical transformation.

In a before-and-after photo posted on Instagram, White showed his "fuckin' nuts" makeover from 2017 to 2023. He tagged Gary Brecka in the post, best known for being a human biologist and an expert in mortality.

White recounted the moment he decided to make a change, crediting Brecka with the inspiration. Brecka's company 10X Health Systems reportedly told the UFC CEO that the end of his life wasn't that far off.

"I'm all fucked up," White said of his blood test results at the time and the prognosis they offered. "Everything that can be bad can be possibly bad. [Brecka] gave me 10.4 years to live.'" White received the troubling news just a few months before his appearance on the Action Junkeez podcast, and clearly, he heeded the warning.

"He says, 'If you do everything I tell you to do for the next 10 weeks it will change your life," White recalled. "I did everything he said to the letter, and I lost 30 pounds."

Sometimes a Mark Zuckerberg-like overhaul of your workout regimen does the body good.