Daryle Singletary's Family Fund

Photo credit: Courtesy of YouCaring
Photo credit: Courtesy of YouCaring

From Country Living

When honky-tonk singer-songwriter Daryle Singletary died suddenly last week at the age of 46, he left behind a wife, Holly, and four young children, Mercer, Jonah, Charlotte, and Norah.

Following the tragic, unexpected loss, people came forward asking how they could help.

"So many friends and fans and corporate sponsors said 'What can we do?'" Singletary's manager and friend, Chuck Rhodes, tells CountryLiving.com, "and that fund was set up to let those people who wanted to give donate to the fund."

Called "Keepin' it Country" in honor of Singletary's signature sound, the YouCaring.com fund is intended to raise money for the singer's funeral expenses, as well as his wife and kids, who have lost their primary breadwinner.

This fund comes after a dispute over a Singletary song released by Platinum Records Nashville, called "She's Been Cheatin' on Us." The record company said it planned to donate the proceeds to the Singletarys, reports Fox News.

"I wanted to do something for Daryle's family because the last time me and Daryle were in the studio, he told me about his financial struggles and how he was playing weekend to weekend to feed his family," Platinum Records Nashville President Greg Hudik told the publication.

However, the song release was disputed by Rhodes.

"I want to make it crystal clear that this music being released has not been approved or sanctioned by Holly Singletary, The Singletary Family, Daryle's corporation TMF x 4, Donna Lee and Buddy Lee Attractions, Daryle's booking agency or his attorney Wayne Halper," Rhodes said in a statement posted to Facebook and given to Fox.

The recordings, he said, were "works for hire" that were "never meant to be released as master recordings," but Hudik told Fox it was "part of the final album he recorded with Singletary."

Rhodes reportedly issued a cease and desist letter, and Hudik said to the publication that he would remove the song if "that's what Holly [Singletary] wants."

Now, the YouCaring.com fund has been set up, and friends and family are in the process of planning a celebration of life.

"I worked with Daryle for 26 years and he was like my brother," Rhodes tells us. "We're just all so sad about his passing. He loved his family the most. He loved the Lord and he loved country music. In my opinion he was the greatest country singer of the modern era. I know he's sitting up there in heaven singing with George Jones, Johnny Paycheck, Merle Haggard, and all the guys he really looked up to."

Visit the YouCaring.com page to make a donation.

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