Dascha Polanco: 'You Can Love Yourself Without Liking Everything'

Photo credit: SYLVÈ COLLESS
Photo credit: SYLVè COLLESS

From Women's Health

People tell me all the time that they love my confidence. It’s kind of ironic, because it’s something I’ve struggled with for as long as I can remember.

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Photo credit: .

In today’s world, where it’s pretty common to post on social media about body positivity, it can seem like it’s easy to love yourself-which makes you feel bad anytime you don’t.

My whole life, I’ve had ups and downs when it comes to confidence. I remember looking at myself as a kid and knowing I was different than the other girls-I was chubby and curvier and had rolls and thick thighs. My school uniform skirt never fit right-it was longer in the front and too short in the back. In reality my body type was the norm, but I was always looking at it negatively and comparing myself to the super-slim “cool girls.” I questioned my body-why couldn’t it be like theirs? I just wanted to look like those girls.

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

I got to a point where I wished I could cut off my rolls with scissors. I would grab at my thighs and say, “Ugh, I hate you, you’re ugly, I don’t like you! Oh my God, I just want to get rid of this!” But talking to myself that way never made me feel better, just guilty.

The biggest shift in how I viewed my body happened when I became a mother 16 years ago. I wanted to instill in my kids self-acceptance and a sense of self-love. I wanted them to know they’re unique and that that’s what makes them beautiful. I wanted them to be confident, and I knew I had to model that.

I started focusing on the things I really love about myself. Like, I’ve achieved the dream I had my whole life to be an actress. That’s incredible. I’m a leader and a volunteer in my community. And wanting to eat a burger doesn’t impact my acting or my ability to help people. Neither does getting older-reaching new decades and going through physical changes is something we should celebrate, not fear. When I realized that, it helped me let go of the little things that bugged me and respect my body for what it allows me to do. I wanted to care for it.

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Photo credit: SYLVÈ COLLESS
Photo credit: SYLVè COLLESS

Now, I make time for the things that make me feel good. I try to do a HIIT class at my gym or something like a heavy weightlifting workout once a day-sometimes twice a day when I’m in superwoman mode. Meditation is key for my mental health and managing depression. Other days, I clean my home, relax on the couch, put on a face mask, and watch music videos, or hang out on the block for a game of dominoes with the OGs.

The most important change I’ve made is in how I talk to myself. Now, I look at my thighs, and I celebrate them. I say, “I love you guys! You help me walk, you fill my pants up.” I thank my vagina for giving me my womanly power. It’s important to talk to your body and thank your body. When I work out, I’m like, “Come on quads, do it, come on tris, give me that back!”

Reminding yourself of how strong you are is a powerful thing. I want to be mentally healthy, not just physically strong-that’s what shines through the screen no matter what.

Learning to love yourself is just like learning to love someone in a relationship. You don’t like every single thing about them, but you love them. You can love yourself without liking everything all the time.

Sometimes I still think, “Ugh, these legs!” When I see myself in a photo or on TV, I still pick myself apart. It’s hard! But I choose to rise above and remind myself, “Dascha, when you die this body goes back to Earth, so shine through and you’ll be a light that will live forever.”

Dascha Polanco is an actress currently starring on Netflix's Orange Is The New Black. For more body-pos inspiration, pick up a copy of the September "Naked Truth" issue of Women's Health, on newsstands August 7.

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