DIY Your Way to Midsummer With a Floral Crown
Flower children and hippie-loving dance queens unite! This weekend marks the age-old Swedish tradition, Midsummer, celebrating the annual summer solstice. This dreamy, seasonal fiesta originated in Sweden, and was celebrated with outdoor festivals that involved dancing around a flowery maypole in white, breezy dresses, rocking some boho chic flower crowns (this of course is a rule of thumb more so for the ladies than the fellas).
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Since then, the scene hasn’t changed too much. This weekend here in NYC, Midsummer fêtes are already on a few of our calendars, with celebrations that will still consist of tons of flowers and plenty of feel-good music.
Whether you choose to head to a family-friendly outdoor festival in Battery Park thrown by the Consulate General of Sweden, or crash a super trendy Downtown party thrown by Swedish lifestyle brands Kanon Organic Vodka and/or WeSC this weekend in the city, you’re going to want to make sure you dress the part for this festive celebration.
Click here to read the full article.
Thanks to our friends over at Kanon Organic Vodka and Honestly WTF, we got the 411 on this fun DIY on how to make your very own Midsummer flower crown. With this awesome hippie-inspired accessory, you’ll totes be able to celebrate the sunset in style.
DIY Midsummer Flower Crown
What you need:
A variety of fresh flowers, trimmed down to 3-inch stems
2 pieces of 16-gauge floral cloth wire
Green floral tape
Floral sheers or scissors
Bend the two pieces of floral wire together to create a circle. Then use tape to wrap the overlapping sections to create a base for your crown. Create 15 small clusters of 4-5 flowers and tightly wrap the stems together with floral tape. Position flower clusters to the wire base and wrap tape around the stems to secure. Continue layering each cluster around the wire base until it’s filled.
Tah-dah! You got yourself the perfect accessory for this perfect occasion.

[image via]
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