What Does ‘FWIW’ Mean, Exactly? Plus, the History and How *Not* To Use the Term

Acronyms and internet lingo are a huge part of texting and being online in general. There are many acronyms that are commonly known—like JK (just kidding) or LOL (laughing out loud). But some acronyms aren’t used as commonly—like MB, ISTG, DW—and it can get confusing when you come across one you don’t recognize. If you’re someone who's unsure of what FWIW means, then we’re happy to help out.

You might see someone write "FWIW" in a social media caption, or maybe you've been staring at those letters that were written in a text message you recently received. Curious about FWIW's meaning? We've got you covered. Not only will we help define the acronym, but we'll also give some examples of how to use it and how not to use it as well. 

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What Does FWIW Mean?

FWIW is an acronym for “for what it’s worth.” It’s almost the equivalent of saying, “Here are my two cents” or “This is my personal opinion.” It can be used to emphasize a point you’re making or to highlight the fact that someone should take something into consideration.

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The History of FWIW

According to Computer World, the shorthand FWIW may have started in the ‘80s or ‘90s, but no one knows for sure. It wasn’t as common as BRB, JK or LOL, but it was certainly still in use—maybe even via sending memos. The idiom “for what it’s worth” has been around since the 1800s as a phrase used when discussing the value of something.

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How To Use FWIW

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, you can use “for what it’s worth” when relaying a piece of information that you’re not certain is important but want to state nonetheless. It’s usually presented by people who are unsure if what they’re about to say holds value, but they’re going to say it anyway. For example:

  • "FWIW, I thought the first outfit option looked great."

  • "I had that same question—FWIW."

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How Not To Use FWIW

There are times when using FWIW implies a tone of dismissiveness or snarkiness. For example:

  • “But don’t listen to him because Kyle is bad at his job FWIW.”

If you’re in doubt, try to use FWIW when providing feedback in a more positive light.

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Is FWIW Rude?

In general, FWIW isn’t rude, but it does depend on the context in which you’re using it. FWIW can sometimes be interchangeable with FYI (or "for your information"). Both acronyms aren’t rude by themselves, but they might be considered rude if positioned in a sentence that’s snarky or dismissive.

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