Donald Trump Jr. grew a vacation beard — and wants to know if he should keep it

Donald Trump Jr. (Photo: Instagram)
Donald Trump Jr. (Photo: Instagram)

Like many before him, and probably many after him, Donald Trump Jr. has used his weeklong vacation as an opportunity to grow a beard (or scruff, if we’re splitting hairs).

And in an Instagram post today, he invited his followers to weigh in on whether he should keep it. He shared two images — tagged Yukon, a territory in Northwest Canada — writing, “I brought back some scruff as a souvenir. Maybe I should keep it??? LMK your thoughts.”

Commenters were split on the state of Don Jr.’s face.

Quite a few liked the rugged look.

I say keep it , looks great,” one wrote.

Several compared him to Batman, with several writing comments like, “Dude, you look like Ben Affleck.”

Some weren’t fans of Trump Jr.’s scruffy face, with one simply writing, “Please no.”

Another (probably wisely) advised that he ask former Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle, who Trump Jr. is dating: “I’d ask Kimberly what her thoughts are if I were you.”

Others went straight for political commentary, of course.

One suggested that the first son stay on permanent vacation, “My vote is for you becoming a permanent ‘mountain man.’ As long as it entails you staying off the grid and out of our faces with your ignorant, bigotry closed minded, law breaking, hypocritical hate filled propaganda. Feel free to take the whole fam.”

“Take it off…you look like a Dem,” wrote another, conflating facial hair with left-leaning politics.

Another brought up Trump Jr.’s cheating scandal, which may have ended his marriage to his wife, Vanessa, writing: “Ask your mistress Aubrey O’Day. Like father like son.”

And of course, one person wrote, “Very Russian.”

It appears the first son has been off the grid for a week, as he shared pre-beard posts on August 9. He appears to be on a small plane with a group, and he captioned the photo, “Mountain time. See you all in a week.”

The first son may have headed off the grid to avoid the blowback from his last Instagram post, after he was fooled by a doctored graphic claiming that President Trump’s approval rating is at 50 percent, according to CNN. But if you looked closely at that “50 percent,” you’d see the figure is in a red box, which overlays the actual number: 40 percent.

Doctored graphic (Photo: Instagram)
Doctored graphic (Photo: Instagram)

Polling aggregates show Trump’s approval rating is closer to 42.7 percent right now. Trump Jr. later deleted the post before unplugging for the week.

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