Dr. Pimple Popper’s Latest Video Is So Gross Instagram Doesn’t Even Want You To See It

Dr. Pimple Popper (a.k.a., dermatologist Sandra Lee, MD) posted a new Instagram video showing a lipoma removal.
The video is so gross that a "sensitive content" warning pops up on Instagram for it.
A lipoma is a benign tumor made up of fatty tissue.
One surefire way you know you're about to see something gross on Dr. Pimple Popper's Instagram page? A "sensitive content" warning pops up.
That's what happened with the latest video from dermatologist Sandra Lee, MD. She captioned her newest Instagram post: "Live commentary from a patient's family always keeps it interesting," which, lbh, would make you click even faster. She also used the hashtag #lipoma, which is a benign tumor of fatty tissue (that's important to know for the family's comments later).
The video gets right down to it. In it, Dr. Pimple Popper has already cut the patient open and is in the process of removing a red ball of ick that totally looks like an eyeball (presumably the lipoma) from the incision. “Eww,” someone can be heard saying in the background as the doctor gently warns them to be quiet (and, you know, stop being rude) with a “hey, hey!”
Someone in the background shouts out, "It’s a tumor!" and Dr. Pimple Popper responds with a solid Arnold Schwarzenegger impression, saying, "It’s not a toomah!" before correcting herself with "they are technically…" (Because, again, lipomas are technically benign, fatty tissue tumors.)
The doctor then starts snipping out the lipoma and the patient says she can “sense” her cutting it. <Shudder.> Finally, the doctor pulls the whole thing out and we can all breathe a sigh of relief.
Honestly, this video isn't the grossest Dr. Pimple Popper video I've seen. Earlier this week, the dermatologist removed three pilar cysts from a woman's head (and compared them to food like olives and garbanzo beans). And then last week, Dr. Pimple Popper celebrated St. Patrick's Day early by sharing not one but two St. Paddy's Day-themed pops-complete with oozing green goo.
So yeah, even though her show is currently off the air, Dr. Pimple Popper isn't about to stop giving the people what they want: super gross pimple-popping content.
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