Drew Barrymore launches #TheWayItLooksToUs after feeling like she didn't 'look like a proper mom'

Drew Barrymore wants moms — and everyone else — out there to know that appearances aren’t always what they seem. The Santa Clarita Diet star was inspired to start a new online challenge after having a rough morning dropping her daughter off at school.“Hi, I wanted to present something,” Barrymore began in an Instagram video Wednesday. “I showed up at my kid’s school, a little bit late with her this morning, and I was in sweatpants and I felt like I didn’t look like a proper mom and I started beating up on myself. It’s so typical of what parents do to themselves.”

The 43-year-old actress continued, “I started thinking this hashtag #TheWayItLooksToUs and it got me all hopping up with inspiration. I want to present a five-part series of #TheWayItLooksToUs, and I invite you in to present the way it’s supposed to look to you, and the way it really is. I’m going to present the same thing right back.”

Barrymore’s confession turned inspirational challenge was met with tons of positive comments.

“Absolutely beautiful and I can totally relate to this!!! I love and admire you! You are a beautiful woman inside and out that I feel great looking up to and for relatable insight that we are all human perfectly imperfect,” one person commented.

“So so much pressure to portrait an image of super Mum! I put so much pressure on myself constantly and I’m having to pull myself up and differentiate between fantasy and reality!!! Thank you for being such a perfect and beautiful example not many celebrities are teaching us this,” one woman wrote. “Thank you drew!!!!”

“I’m a mom of two. I live in a small town in northern california. Like super small,” another person commented. “I have blue hair and a lot of tattoos. I’m pretty sure I am the only mom at my daughter’s elementary school that has this look. I see the looks but I dont let it stop me from being me. I go to all my kids events. They see me and they see me be there every step for my kids.”

Women have already started sharing their stories using the hashtag.

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@drewbarrymore #TheWayItLooksToUs I have a debilitating disability that I have to fight every day I have to rest lots while my autistic sons at school so I have the energy to look after him. I have a hand that doesn’t work and losing mobility. I beat myself up everyday with this disability I’ve got cause I cannot do the things I used to. Can’t wash myself can’t clean my own house well at all without help off of someone. Can’t walk as well as I used to and can’t run around like the busy bee mum I used to be. The only time I feel confident is when I have make up on but some days I cannot do my make up I don’t have the grip with my hands or my tremors and spasms are too much and my pain. I feel bad that I cannot do certain things like I used to. My son thinks I’m amazing and doesn’t see a different person. But when I look in the mirror I see a sick woman who’s losing grip of things. I’ve no eyebrows which gets me down too. Some days we can have days like this but it’s ok i always pick myself up after. It’s all about trying to find a balance and rest as much as I can. I stutter my body moves in weird and wonderful ways and i have a tic which can be embarrassing when out cause people stare. I feel like a death warmed up without make up but there’s no time anymore in the mornings as I’m trying to get my symptoms down in the morning of my neuro conditions and getting my son ready while he’s having meltdowns no rest for the wicked in the mornings or beautifying myself there’s no time anymore. Today I managed make up and felt amazing about myself. Feels good when I can have my face on so people don’t notice much about my movements it gives them nice make up to focus on instead. #functionalneurologicaldisorder #fnd #dystonia #dystoniaawareness #dystoniawarrior #disability #disabilityawareness

A post shared by Kaye Cameron ??🎧💄 (@dystonia_makeup_warrior) on Dec 19, 2018 at 11:13am PST

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#thisis40 somehow I have become obsessed with age 😂🤣🤣 or rather I’m obsessed with the way society tends to view us when we’ve reached this “pinnacle”… I was having a conversation last week about movies and I made an 80’s movie reference, the person I was speaking to made the comment “you’re not old enough to know about that”.. I started laughing and asked them how old they thought I was.. late 20’s they replied! Oh I about died and then silently thanked #tartecosmetics #shapetapeconcealer for helping me stay looking young.. and then I revealed my age.. they proceeded to tell me about how it’s all downhill from here and that wow I’m so much older than they are, and I ended the conversation there because who needs that ish 🤷🏻?♀?🤦🏻?♀? It got me thinking though about this image of what youth and beauty and aging all means.. I wasn’t revered for growing older, I was admonished for it. Granted it’s one conversation and that doesn’t define or determine anything, other than it started my brain thinking.. I woke up two days ago thinking “I don’t feel any different”… I’m still me, just entering into a new decade ?? And honestly I’m perfectly okay with that! Even if others aren’t. #thewayitlookstous ps- thanks @drewbarrymore for the inspiration 😍😍😍 #fortyandfabulous #onelife #theluckiest #eatthecake #bestbirthdayever

A post shared by Mesa Fama (@mesa.fama) on Dec 19, 2018 at 9:54am PST

Stay tuned for part two of #TheWayItLooksToUs.

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