What Is the Difference Between a Dry and Wet Cough in Kids?

What Is the Difference Between a Dry and Wet Cough in Kids?

Knowing the difference between a dry cough and a productive wet cough can be beneficial in helping your kid feel better! Here's everything parents need to know.

Medically reviewed by Bree Lustre, MD

Coughs come in many forms, but they generally fall into two categories: wet and dry. Both types have different symptoms, causes, and treatment options, so it's important to recognize the distinguishing factors if your child is struggling with feeling sick. Here's everything you need to know about dry coughs and wet coughs in kids.

Related: 8 Types of Coughs in Children, Toddlers, and Babies

What Is a Wet Cough in Kids?

Wet coughs, also known as productive coughs, are ones that bring up phlegm or mucus. This liquid can be a range of colors, from clear to white to yellow to green, and comes from the respiratory tract. Wet coughs may be caused by viral or bacterial infections like influenza, the common cold, and pneumonia. Allergies can also cause mucous production along with a productive cough that sounds "wet."

Other symptoms—such as runny nose, sore throat, and fatigue—commonly accompany a child or toddler wet cough. Your kid may also experience postnasal drip, which feels like mucus running down the throat or chest.

What Is a Dry Cough in Kids?

On the other hand, dry coughs, also called unproductive coughs, don't produce any mucus or phlegm, explains Hector de Leon, MD, pediatrician for Kaiser Permanente in Colorado. Tell-tale characteristics of a dry cough include a tickle in the throat and hacking sounds.

Dry coughs are usually caused by irritation from the upper respiratory tract—either from temporary conditions (such as environmental irritants, allergies, croup, or whooping cough) or chronic conditions (like asthma or GERD). Children may also develop a dry cough from residual mucus after a cold or flu; this could stick around for weeks. It's important to note that many of the reasons for dry coughs warrant an immediate trip to a health care provider for further evaluation, and you should always consult a medical professional before trying any home remedies.

Related: Dry Cough in Kids: Causes, Remedies, and When to See a Doctor

Ways to Treat a Dry or Wet Cough in Kids

Ultimately, the preferred treatment for a wet or dry cough depends on the underlying cause. Analyze your child's cough to determine the type and the reason behind it. Visit a health care provider if you're unsure, or if your child has any worrisome symptoms (more on this below). Then, with a health care professional's guidance, you may consider testing out the following home remedies to ease your child's coughing.

It's important to note that you should never give cough suppressant or cough syrups to young children, whether they have a wet cough or a dry cough. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says they could have dangerous consequences to children younger than 4 years old. What's more, there's no evidence this medicine is effective for those under 6.

Home Remedies for a Wet Cough

Wet coughs may last for days or weeks—however long you're fighting the virus. It's also possible that your child's wet cough will turn into a dry cough as they get better. In the meantime, here are some ideas for how to ease the coughing:

  • Wet coughs in babies can create discomfort, since little ones can't blow their noses. Parents can help clear the mucus with a bulb syringe and saline nasal drops.

  • Lift your child's bed or add an extra pillow. Sleeping with elevation decreases postnasal drip, which helps with coughing and throat irritation. Take note, this is not recommended for babies, only for toddlers or older children.

  • Place a humidifier in your child's room. The moisture keeps the throat moist and loosens phlegm, making it easier to get rid of. You can achieve the same results by taking a steamy shower (you can also sit in a steamy bathroom with a young child.)

  • Stay hydrated to prevent dryness in the throat. Very cold liquids and hot liquids (like chicken noodle soup or decaffeinated tea) are best for thinning out mucus.

Home Remedies for a Dry Cough

Dry coughs tend to stick around longer than wet ones. Below are some suggested remedies; however, if your child's cough is caused by GERD or asthma, be sure to consult a health care provider for best practices.

  • Set up a humidifier in your child's room, or encourage her to take a steamy shower. The added moisture can ease chest discomfort that can lead to dry cough.

  • Cough drops or throat lozenges contain throat-soothing ingredients like honey and menthol and honey. They're an effective dry cough treatment for children old enough to suck on them without swallowing.

  • If your kid is older than 1, consider serving honey, which coats the throat to relieve cough-causing irritation.

  • Similarly, your child can ease irritation by gargling salt water. A good ratio is one-half teaspoon of salt and 8 ounces of water. Just make sure your child doesn't swallow it!

  • Avoid physical activity, which could exacerbate a dry cough.

When to See a Health Care Provider About Your Child's Dry or Wet Cough

Most coughs don't indicate serious illness, and they often go away on their own. However, you should visit your child's doctor if they're under 4 months old, or if they have any of the following symptoms.

  • A cough that lasts longer than 2-3 weeks, which could indicate GERD, asthma, or another chronic condition that needs treatment

  • A cough that's getting progressively worse

  • A cough that produces blood, green mucus, or foul-smelling phlegm

  • High fever (or any fever in babies)

  • Making "whooping" or wheezing sounds

  • Irritability and extreme fatigue

If your child exhibits any of the following, call 911 immediately:

  • Bluish or pale skin

  • Difficulty breathing, rapid breathing, or shortness of breath

  • Signs of dehydration

  • A sucking or retracting motion in the stomach

  • Choking or vomiting with coughing

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