This Eclipse Season Tarot Reading Prepares You For Fated Shifts
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Eclipse season is upon us. This astrological event occurs about twice a year, bestowing fated, destined shifts in a person's life. While one area of life carries sudden endings, another blossoms with unexpected potential. From now until October 17, 2024, eclipse season is active.
To read more about Fall 2024's eclipse season in astrological terms and horoscopes, read "Eclipse Season Horoscopes: Fate is Calling." However, first, let's dive deep into your Tarot reading for Fall 2024's eclipse season based on your zodiac sign.
Eclipse Season Tarot Horoscopes or Tarotscopes for Each Zodiac Sign
Aries: Page of Cups
This eclipse season brings you in touch with your inner child, Aries. You're ready for new emotional beginnings. First, you must understand and tap into your feelings beyond rationale or logical ideas. The coming weeks will bring you back in tune with your body and validate your soul's needs. Who were you before they told you who you ought to be?
Taurus: Ten of Cups
This eclipse season will encourage you to focus on your sense of belonging and community. It's time to nourish and nurture your relationships and chosen family. While life comes with its unpredictable events, family is forever. Who can you historically turn to? It becomes evident who is genuinely fated to be in your life during the coming weeks.
Gemini: Strength
This eclipse season empowers you. Your emotional intelligence and ability to remain grounded through the twists and turns show you how far you've come. While your pride may be tested, you're also skilled at taming your reactions in the coming weeks. Your sense of internal trust, conviction, and capability emits good vibes, attracting great opportunities.
Related: The Most Intelligent Zodiac Signs, According to Astrologers
Cancer: Five of Pentacles
This eclipse season puts you in touch with your grief. While we don't like the idea of being sad, allowing ourselves to cry is sometimes the exact healing we need. You've been through your fair share of trials and tribulations. This may have created a sense of fear around abandonment or not being in control of your practical, worldly money or resources. An opportunity to heal and ground through your experiences renews your spirit.
Leo: Queen of Cups
You feel a calm yet powerful influence overcoming you. Trust your inner convictions. While you may not have a logical explanation, your soul leads you to profound insights. Know that your intuition is heightened for good reason in the coming weeks. Pay attention to omens, dreams, and other communication from the divine.
Virgo: The Sun
In the coming weeks, you'll feel uplifted. The Sun showcases apparent radiance. Positive energy washes over you—your confidence soars when you are enlightened with the information and mindset you need to evolve spiritually. Trust in your timing.
Related: 4 Zodiac Signs That Manifest Success Effortlessly
Libra: Ace of Wands, Reversed
This eclipse season shows you that new beginnings take time. While you may have felt rushed to finish, the coming weeks remind you that meaningful victory takes time. Taking shortcuts isn't an option for you. You're ready to slow your roll and regulate your emotions to find lasting success.
Scorpio: The High Priestess
In the coming weeks, your intuition is heightened. Your perceptive skills are sharp. Reading others comes naturally to you during eclipse season. Pay attention to your dreams, omens, and other spiritual communications from the divine. While you may not know how to say it, your soul knows the answer. Trust it.
Sagittarius: Ten of Pentacles
You're ready to stand on business this eclipse season. Your long-term goals are coming to fruition. After long hours, days, and years of hard work, victories are beginning to unfold. The coming weeks ask you to consider your values. Are you remaining faithful to them? Or are you succumbing to temporary temptations?
Related: 11 Affirmations Your Zodiac Sign Needs
Capricorn: The Magician
Your mind is sharpening this eclipse season. Channeling your mental efforts is essential. Your intention is everything. You'll notice that your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas about life need to be reworked. As you control your mind, it no longer restrains you. It feels good to feel capable and resourced.
Aquarius: Eight of Wands
Events are unfolding at a rapid pace during eclipse season. Good news reaches you. Celebration follows! As you navigate the coming weeks, you'll be asked to remove barriers to embracing greatness. While it may feel dysregulating that matters are shifting so fast at first, know these changes are for your betterment.
Pisces: Two of Pentacles
This eclipse season is about going with the flow, Pisces. You cannot predict the outcome, yet try to stay centered amid significant energy shifts. There's duality in everything around you. Avoid extremes. See the good in the bad, the bad in the good. You'll find proper stability when you find the middle ground that works for you.
Related: The Most Intelligent Zodiac Signs, According to Astrologers
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