Ed Sheeran Cancels Five Tour Dates After Bike Accident


It's bad news for Ed Sheeran. The singer, who was in a bike accident yesterday while riding around London, visited his doctor today to determine the extent of is injuries, and the diagnosis isn't good.

Sheeran took to his Instagram to update his fans on his current condition, announcing that he'll have to cancel five of us upcoming tour dates in Asia per his doctors orders. "A visit to my doctors confirmed fractures in my right wrist and left elbow that will leave me unable to perform live concerts for the immediate future," he posted on his account along with a photo of his right forearm in a black cast.

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"Sadly, this means that the following shows will not be able to go ahead as planned: Taipei, Osaka, Seoul, Tokyo and Hong Kong," he continued. "I’m waiting to see how the healing progresses before we have to decide on shows beyond that. Please stay tuned for more details."

In case you were wondering just how the singer was typing out this lengthy message, don't worry—he's not making his injuries worse with the movement. "PS - Ed isn’t typing this as he has both arms casted/bandaged."

Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery!