Emotional Moment Woman Is Surprised with Dapple Dachshund Puppies Is Impossible to Resist
Whether you've had dogs all your life or are considering adopting your first-ever pet, it's impossible to deny that bringing home a new friend changes everything. Not only will you be getting used to a new routine and a new home dynamic, but you're bound to start centering your life around your new dog, too.
And you'll be even busier if you adopt a puppy! Their innocence and cuteness may be charming, and raising a puppy is an adventure you won't soon forget. Just ask new puppy owner, Lisa! On May 14, she was surprised with not one but two dapple Dachshund puppies, and her reaction was absolutely everything. Take a look!
Aww! I know I'm not the only one reaching for the tissues after watching Lisa's heartfelt reaction to meeting her new four-legged friends. As emotional as this moment was, the pure shock on her face when she saw the second pup was downright hilarious, too!
Related: Dachshund Gives Birth To Record Breaking Litter of Puppies
"Protect that man at all costs. My husband would divorce me if I brought home two puppies at once," said commenter @justjeanna. LOL! A new pet can be a lot for anyone to process, especially when they don't know what is coming, but that's why it's important for couples, families, and even roommates to be on the same page regarding pets. Luckily, Lisa's selfless boyfriend knew exactly what page she was on!
Not only did he find two puppies for them to love, but he found Lisa's dream puppies! Her reaction was definitely fitting for someone who wanted a Dachshund puppy her whole life--well, one of her very own, that is. The adorable blond sausage dog seen in this video belongs to Lisa's friend, but they're already the perfect BFF for these new puppies as they grow.
What Is Littermate Syndrome?
While many viewers are just as overjoyed as the new pup parents, others have been adamant that Lisa and her boyfriend learn about littermate syndrome as soon as possible. But what is this syndrome, and is it really that serious?
It can be! Littermate syndrome occurs when two siblings (or two puppies of the same age) bond too closely while growing up together. This can result in co-dependent behaviors, including extreme separation anxiety, fear around people and other dogs, and even increased aggression.
To prevent this from developing, owners of puppy siblings are encouraged to spend time with each dog one-on-one. They should be able to develop confidence while alone or with their sibling, though this can take some time for any puppy in a new home.
Lisa reassured viewers that she and her boyfriend are educating themselves about littermate syndrome and are committed to giving Bumper and Bonnet the happiest possible lives. It seems like they're off to a great start!
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