Even for Molly Sims, Motherhood Is ‘Scary at Times’ and ‘Perfection Is Impossible’

Photo: Gia Canali
Photo: Gia Canali

By Molly Sims

If you asked me six years ago where I’d be now, there’s no way I could have imagined the level of happiness I feel. It’s indescribable. I’ve known since the very beginning that I wanted to be a mother. Now that I have three babies of my own, I can confidently say that it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.

I’ll be honest, though: As magical as motherhood can be, it can be downright scary at times. My babies are extremely close in age (three under 5!), so it takes a lot of work. The number of dirty diapers I’ve changed, in just a short amount of time, is remarkable. On top of that, I’m in a constant state of exhaustion.

My dark circles have literally taken up permanent residence on my face. Whether we like it or not, it does get harder with each new addition.

In our case, there’s no such thing as zone defense anymore. My husband, Scott, and I are officially outnumbered. When it was just Brooks and Scarlett, we would divide and conquer. You get one kid, and I get the other. Now? We had to change things up a bit. We still work as a team, but there has to be a more solid game plan. Preparation is key even down to the littlest details.

As my family grew, I’ve definitely become more comfortable asking for help. It truly takes a village.

As moms, we want to be perfect, but this pursuit of perfection is impossible. Motherhood is messy! When I get overwhelmed, I say it. When I take a step away and recharge, I’m a better version of myself and, in return, a better mother.

With that said, it can be a struggle to get there. No matter what you do as a mom, someone will judge. They’ll judge what type of carseat you own or when you decide to stop breastfeeding. Ugh, the mommy guilt (or “mommy wars” as I call it) is real, people! I remember being so overwhelmed when I had Brooks because as a first-time mom, I was pretty clueless. With all the mixed messages and advice I was given, I was left with the gut-wrenching feeling that I was making every mistake in the book. Thankfully, I’ve become more confident as a mother with each of my babies. If I need advice, I rely on a close friend or a professional who I trust. It all comes down to what’s best for your baby, and it’s important to remember everyone’s situation is different.

Despite the stress that comes with motherhood, I can’t help but to feel ridiculously blessed. The love has only grown. When I had Brooks, I remember thinking there was no way I could love anything as much as I loved him. When I found out I was pregnant with Scarlett, I was worried that Brooks would feel left behind or that I wouldn’t be able to give him the same amount of attention. (I’ve actually been told this is a common fear during second pregnancies!) But when Scarlett joined us, the love in our family grew immensely. And, now that we have baby Grey? Magical. He has truly completed our little tribe of five.

I know for a fact that one day I’ll look back and I won’t remember the messes and temper tantrums as clearly as I once did. Instead, I’ll remember the first time Scarlett saw her baby brother or when Brooks started his first day of preschool. Motherhood will never be easy, but at the end of the day, it’s all worth it.

Read more from Sims at MollySims.com. You can follow Molly on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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