EW! Tweeters React To Stormy's Dirty Details About Alleged Affair With Trump
The long-awaited “60 Minutes” interview with Stormy Daniels aired on Sunday night, and the porn star made a number of eyebrow-raising claims about her alleged 2006 affair with Donald Trump.
Daniels talked about spanking the future president with a magazine that had his picture on the cover, described him watching “Shark Week” on Discovery and revealed how he compared her to his daughter, Ivanka.
More than a few folks on Twitter let out a collective “Ew!” over the revelations:
Stormy Daniels just made the case for herself being White House chief of staff with the spanking story. My god. #StormyDanielsDay
— Evan Siegfried (@evansiegfried) March 25, 2018
60 minutes reveals more of same -trump a gangster - engages world through gangster ethics - totaly unfit for office - not worth mentioning all the laws he breaks as there’s too many to number- a vast pattern /picture of a deranged criminal who must be removed from power -now
— John Cusack (@johncusack) March 26, 2018
Never gonna watch Shark Week the same way again.
— mike freeman (@mikefreemanNFL) March 25, 2018
Trump told both Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal that they reminded him of Ivanka.
This guy is obsessed with his daughter.#60Minutes pic.twitter.com/ojXC7H1GVN— Demassie Hill (@demassie2) March 26, 2018
So mortifying. Kids walked in on me watching “60 Minutes.”
— Steve Rushin (@SteveRushin) March 25, 2018
A porn star just said on 60 minutes that she took a magazine with Donald Trump's face on it and spanked the president, with him only wearing his underwear.
— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) March 25, 2018
60 minutes. Stormy said “Donald said that I reminded him of his daughter.” pic.twitter.com/1u3zOOV47h
— 🕉🔮Willow🔮🕉 (@JackieGotSober) March 25, 2018
With the country’s fate hanging in the balance it feels very wrong to ask for no Stormy Daniels spoilers and yet here I am
— 💎 Lena Dunham 💎 (@lenadunham) March 26, 2018
How did Cialias not buy the first ad coming out of the Stormy interview? Fail.
— Joshua Green (@JoshuaGreen) March 25, 2018
Trump watching 60 minutes rn #StormyDanielsDay pic.twitter.com/Vt7W4cOnKS
— Kyle Bennett (@elyK_ttenneB) March 26, 2018
The real question: Did the first lady just watch @60Minutes?
— Dan Linden (@DanLinden) March 26, 2018
Stormy Daniels' 60 Minutes interview is just the latest evidence that when you deal with Donald Trump, you are, basically, dealing with America's most stupid & crass mobster. #StormyDanielsDay pic.twitter.com/OgZ1OmcX89
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) March 25, 2018
Disagree with the “Stormy Daniels story doesn’t matter” hot takes. It does matter. Focus on the cover up — everything from campaign finance violations to physical threats — not the sleaze.
— Adam Best (@adamcbest) March 26, 2018
You know the thing that Trump hates most about this 60 Minutes interview is not that he’s been exposed as an adulterer but that Stormy Daniels said she wasn’t attracted to him and didn’t enjoy the sex#StormyDanielsDay
— Jonathan Riley (@JonRiley7) March 26, 2018
Trump: “Stormy Daniels was interviewed on 60 Minutes”
Emperor: “Good.. good..” pic.twitter.com/hJzei7rRyk— Darth Vader (@DepressedDarth) March 26, 2018
How many women have said that he tells them they remind him of Ivanka before he screws them? Does this fact alone not bother anyone else? He's disgusting! https://t.co/DaAyINw6rf
— Shelley McElyea (@ShelleyMcElyea1) March 26, 2018
Stormy Daniels saying on 60 Minutes that trump once telling her that she reminds him of his daughter Ivanka Trump is disgustingly unsurprising. 🤢
— Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) March 25, 2018
I really didn’t want to imagine the president “perched” on a bed waiting for sex. This interview has so many details that the president will hate.
— Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) March 26, 2018
1. I hate that sex workers are punchlines. Rankles.
2. Genuinely concerned, in retrospect, for 45's daughter. (Ew.)
3. Stormy didn't deserve to have her life disrupted. This is entirely on the disruptors, *not* her.— Ebony Elizabeth 🙅🏿?♀? (@Ebonyteach) March 26, 2018
If you are shocked that Stormy Daniels, a porn star, is thoughtful and articulate, that says a lot more about you than about her
— Hayley MacMillen (@hlmacmillen) March 26, 2018
Are the Royals allowed to watch 60 Minutes tonight?
— jon greenberg (@jon_greenberg) March 25, 2018
Stormy would kick Kim Jung Un’s ass, literally. pic.twitter.com/vWSc8M7FBC
— Michael Des Barres (@MDesbarres) March 26, 2018
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